class Dpkg < Formula homepage "" url "" mirror "" sha256 "07019d38ae98fb107c79dbb3690cfadff877f153b8c4970e3a30d2e59aa66baa" bottle do sha256 "7c0ce804c160ee36c1328365f2e2921a7ace51a908dde2bf41f8c0ca7592ce9b" => :yosemite sha256 "5de02303b6d3e2842feb1a836fbf4ee6b6d5886a2cb9013d8158273cae753cfa" => :mavericks sha256 "d9855d5f78de6bc75a883f4fe04ea61152fea560554b27121ed76cec27fff8e5" => :mountain_lion end depends_on "pkg-config" => :build depends_on "gnu-tar" depends_on "xz" # For LZMA def install # Fix for OS X checksum utility names. inreplace "scripts/Dpkg/" do |s| s.gsub! "md5sum", "md5" s.gsub! "sha1sum", "shasum" s.gsub! "sha256sum", "'shasum', '-a', '256'" end # We need to specify a recent gnutar, otherwise various dpkg C programs will # use the system "tar", which will fail because it lacks certain switches. ENV["TAR"] = Formula["gnu-tar"].opt_bin/"gtar" ENV["PERL_LIBDIR"] = lib/"perl5/site_perl" system "./configure", "--disable-dependency-tracking", "--disable-silent-rules", "--prefix=#{prefix}", "--sysconfdir=#{etc}", "--localstatedir=#{var}", "--disable-dselect", "--disable-linker-optimisations", "--disable-start-stop-daemon", "--disable-update-alternatives" system "make" system "make", "install" end def caveats; <<-EOS.undent This installation of dpkg is not configured to install software, so commands such as `dpkg -i`, `dpkg --configure` will fail. EOS end test do # Do not remove the empty line from the end of the control file # All deb control files MUST end with an empty line (testpath/"test/data/homebrew.txt").write <<-EOS.undent Homebrew was here. EOS (testpath/"test/DEBIAN/control").write <<-EOS.undent Package: test Version: 1.40.99 Architecture: amd64 Description: I am a test Maintainer: Dpkg Developers EOS system bin/"dpkg", "-b", testpath/"test", "test.deb" assert File.exist?("test.deb") rm_rf "test" system bin/"dpkg", "-x", "test.deb", testpath assert File.exist?("data/homebrew.txt") end end