require 'formula' class Ledger < Formula homepage '' url '' sha1 'cb0891f4770a33ba5cdbd6693b400ec0ff0b81da' head '', :branch => 'master' bottle do sha1 "700ac683623689a4086afaa64340609a8fdd53d1" => :mavericks sha1 "c9dd5c87767ed914f1631c4d3095d97a91a005a6" => :mountain_lion sha1 "4e0ec05ccbf893ea1e1d482253c972e0472267e4" => :lion end resource 'utfcpp' do url "" sha1 "638910adb69e4336f5a69c338abeeea88e9211ca" end option 'debug', 'Build with debugging symbols enabled' depends_on 'gettext' depends_on 'boost' depends_on 'mpfr' depends_on 'gmp' depends_on :python => :optional depends_on 'cmake' => :build depends_on 'ninja' => :build def install (buildpath/'lib/utfcpp').install resource('utfcpp') # Support homebrew not at /usr/local. Also support Xcode-only setups: inreplace 'acprep', 'search_prefixes = [', "search_prefixes = ['#{HOMEBREW_PREFIX}','#{MacOS.sdk_path}/usr'," args = [((build.include? 'debug') ? 'debug' : 'opt'), "make", "install", "-N", "-j#{ENV.make_jobs}", "--output=build"] if build.with? 'python' # Per #25118, CMake does a poor job of detecting a brewed Python. # We need to tell CMake explicitly where our default python lives. # Inspired by # args << '--python' << '--' python_prefix = `python-config --prefix`.strip args << "-DPYTHON_LIBRARY='#{python_prefix}/Python'" args << "-DPYTHON_INCLUDE_DIR='#{python_prefix}/Headers'" end system "./acprep", "--prefix=#{prefix}", *args (share+'ledger/examples').install Dir['test/input/*.dat'] (share+'ledger').install 'contrib' if build.with? 'python' (share+'ledger').install 'python/' end end test do output = `#{bin}/ledger --file #{share}/ledger/examples/sample.dat balance --collapse equity` assert_equal ' $-2,500.00 Equity', output.split(/\n/)[0] assert_equal 0, $?.exitstatus if build.with? 'python' system "python", "#{share}/ledger/" end end end