require "formula" class Bibclean < Formula homepage "" url "" sha1 "f6790cd97e7fe05abce06c991d58e96b4b53ad04" bottle do cellar :any sha1 "f3a198aa80f7868c204101ee3bb4266135acba47" => :mavericks sha1 "41d45fc6810d9bd2fac6e5f8b752273dd46f1ac6" => :mountain_lion sha1 "3a0073569934c6d4cf831619842001e2e394679c" => :lion end def install ENV.deparallelize system "./configure", "--prefix=#{prefix}", "--mandir=#{man}" # The following inline patches have been reported upstream. inreplace "Makefile" do |s| # Insert `mkdir` statements before `scp` statements because `scp` in OS X # requires that the full path to the target already exist. s.gsub! /[$][(]CP.*BIBCLEAN.*bindir.*BIBCLEAN[)]/, "mkdir -p $(bindir) && $(CP) $(BIBCLEAN) $(bindir)/$(BIBCLEAN)" s.gsub! /[$][(]CP.*bibclean.*mandir.*bibclean.*manext[)]/, "mkdir -p $(mandir) && $(CP) $(mandir)/bibclean.$(manext)" # Correct `mandir` (man file path) in the Makefile. s.gsub! /mandir.*prefix.*man.*man1/, "mandir = $(prefix)/share/man/man1" # Place all initialization files in $(prefix)/bibclean/share/ instead of # ./bin/ to comply with standard Unix practice. s.gsub! /install-ini.*uninstall-ini/, "install-ini: uninstall-ini\n\tmkdir -p #{share}/bibclean" s.gsub! /[$][(]bindir[)].*bibcleanrc/, "#{share}/bibclean/.bibcleanrc" s.gsub! /[$][(]bindir[)].*bibclean.key/, "#{share}/bibclean/.bibclean.key" s.gsub! /[$][(]bindir[)].*bibclean.isbn/, "#{share}/bibclean/.bibclean.isbn" end system "make", "all" system "make", "check" system "make", "install" ENV.prepend_path "PATH", share+"bibclean" bin.env_script_all_files(share+"bibclean", :PATH => ENV["PATH"]) end test do (testpath+"test.bib").write <<-EOS.undent @article{small, author = {Test, T.}, title = {Test}, journal = {Test}, year = 2014, note = {test}, } EOS system "#{bin}/bibclean", "test.bib" end end