Nibbles 2bits 5a6ba05a0c libraw: Update to 0.14.0
This commit updates the formula urls for libraw-0.14.0, release.
From their website, "After three months of testing the LibRaw 0.14
is considered stable. This version is recommeded to use instead of
LibRaw 0.13." The test rig is x86_64 10.6.8 using llvm-2335.9,
gcc-4.2.1, and clang-2.0 from XCode 4.0.2.  This builds static and
shared native libraries, with no --universal option only because
its dep, lcms, doesn't have the option either.

Closes Homebrew/homebrew#7804.

Signed-off-by: Charlie Sharpsteen <source@sharpsteen.net>
2011-09-24 14:37:42 -07:00

63 lines
2.1 KiB

require 'formula'
class LibrawDemosaicGPL2 < Formula
url 'http://www.libraw.org/data/LibRaw-demosaic-pack-GPL2-0.14.0.tar.gz'
sha1 '7bd82e7aa531fa2ae53864b5d4613e4000645b14'
class LibrawDemosaicGPL3 < Formula
url 'http://www.libraw.org/data/LibRaw-demosaic-pack-GPL3-0.14.0.tar.gz'
sha1 'a51410732f8c8485b250b5de742b77dc2616a743'
class Libraw < Formula
url 'http://www.libraw.org/data/LibRaw-0.14.0.tar.gz'
homepage 'http://www.libraw.org/'
sha1 '8656af58fa2df52a671ab9864a6c1f862f2948d5'
depends_on 'little-cms'
def install
d = Pathname.getwd.dirname
LibrawDemosaicGPL2.new.brew { d.install Dir['*'] }
LibrawDemosaicGPL3.new.brew { d.install Dir['*'] }
system "./configure", "--prefix=#{prefix}",
system "make"
system "make install"
doc.install Dir['doc/*']
(prefix+'samples').install Dir['samples/*']
def test
mktemp do
netraw = "http://www.rawsamples.ch/raws/nikon/d1/RAW_NIKON_D1.NEF"
localraw = "#{HOMEBREW_CACHE}/Formula/RAW_NIKON_D1.NEF"
if File.exists? localraw
system "#{HOMEBREW_PREFIX}/bin/raw-identify -u #{localraw}"
system "#{HOMEBREW_PREFIX}/bin/simple_dcraw -v -T #{localraw}"
system "/usr/bin/qlmanage -p #{localraw}.tiff >& /dev/null &"
puts ""
opoo <<-EOS.undent
A good test that uses libraw.dylib to open and convert a RAW image
to tiff was delayed until the RAW test image from the Internet is in your
cache. To download that image and run the test, simply type
brew fetch #{netraw}
brew test libraw
It's a fairly small image, 4 MB, that takes less time to download than
read this. Please ignore the harmless message from brew fetch about
No Available Formula. Brew fetch works correctly as does this well
written software.