Dominyk Tiller 50491cf067 Libssh: Add HEAD
Adds a HEAD to this formula & cleans up the quotes. Still builds in the
same way so no need for any additional dependencies.

I’ve also included a single-line code comment on the Yosemite build
failures and what link to watch for updates on that; If the maintainers
don’t hate the idea I’d like to start keeping track of those
single-line build-fail notations inside formulae so people can find
them and check them easily with each new release.

Closes Homebrew/homebrew#33014.

Signed-off-by: Jack Nagel <jacknagel@gmail.com>
2014-10-09 00:46:09 -05:00

28 lines
742 B

require "formula"
class Libssh < Formula
homepage "https://www.libssh.org/"
url "https://red.libssh.org/attachments/download/87/libssh-0.6.3.tar.xz"
sha1 "8189255e0f684d36b7ca62739fa0cd5f1030a467"
revision 2
head "git://git.libssh.org/projects/libssh.git"
# Build fails on Yosemite. Upstream: https://red.libssh.org/issues/174
bottle do
sha1 "84717d23f7d4e59d847bbc2b3b91a2edb9e05709" => :mavericks
sha1 "92158c3da484ae5073004c9e471bb458c61e08e3" => :mountain_lion
sha1 "bd75561291499decf22001b0ba09ae41a3089dbb" => :lion
depends_on "cmake" => :build
depends_on "openssl"
def install
mkdir "build" do
system "cmake", "..", *std_cmake_args
system "make", "install"