Charlie Sharpsteen 80c3f4fb36 LLVM: Disable OCaml bindings by default
The build attempts, and fails, to compile the OCaml bindings by default if
OCaml is installed.

Fixes Homebrew/homebrew#8947.
2011-12-03 14:57:49 -08:00

125 lines
4 KiB

require 'formula'
def build_clang?; ARGV.include? '--with-clang'; end
def build_all_targets?; ARGV.include? '--all-targets'; end
def build_analyzer?; ARGV.include? '--analyzer'; end
def build_universal?; ARGV.build_universal?; end
def build_shared?; ARGV.include? '--shared'; end
def build_rtti?; ARGV.include? '--rtti'; end
def build_jit?; ARGV.include? '--jit'; end
class Clang < Formula
homepage 'http://llvm.org/'
head 'http://llvm.org/git/clang.git', :using => :git
url 'http://llvm.org/releases/3.0/clang-3.0.tar.gz'
md5 '43350706ae6cf05d0068885792ea0591'
class Llvm < Formula
homepage 'http://llvm.org/'
head 'http://llvm.org/git/llvm.git', :using => :git
url 'http://llvm.org/releases/3.0/llvm-3.0.tar.gz'
md5 'a8e5f5f1c1adebae7b4a654c376a6005'
def patches
# changes the link options for the shared library build
# to use the preferred way to build libraries in Mac OS X
# Reported upstream: http://llvm.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=8985
DATA if build_shared?
def options
[['--with-clang', 'Build clang'],
['--analyzer', 'Build clang analyzer'],
['--shared', 'Build shared library'],
['--all-targets', 'Build all target backends'],
['--rtti', 'Build with RTTI information'],
['--universal', 'Build both i386 and x86_64 architectures'],
['--jit', 'Build with Just In Time (JIT) compiler functionality']]
def install
if build_shared? && build_universal?
onoe "Cannot specify both shared and universal (will not build)"
exit 1
if build_clang? or build_analyzer?
clang_dir = Pathname.new(Dir.pwd)+'tools/clang'
Clang.new("clang").brew { clang_dir.install Dir['*'] }
if build_universal?
ENV['UNIVERSAL_ARCH'] = 'i386 x86_64'
ENV['REQUIRES_RTTI'] = '1' if build_rtti?
configure_options = [
# As of LLVM 3.0, the only bindings offered are for OCaml and attempting
# to build these when Homebrew's OCaml is installed results in errors.
# See issue #8947 for details.
if build_all_targets?
configure_options << "--enable-targets=all"
configure_options << "--enable-targets=host-only"
configure_options << "--enable-shared" if build_shared?
configure_options << "--enable-jit" if build_jit?
system "./configure", *configure_options
system "make" # separate steps required, otherwise the build fails
system "make install"
Dir.chdir clang_dir do
system "make install"
bin.install 'tools/scan-build/set-xcode-analyzer'
end if build_clang? or build_analyzer?
Dir.chdir clang_dir do
bin.install 'tools/scan-build/scan-build'
bin.install 'tools/scan-build/ccc-analyzer'
bin.install 'tools/scan-build/c++-analyzer'
bin.install 'tools/scan-build/sorttable.js'
bin.install 'tools/scan-build/scanview.css'
bin.install 'tools/scan-view/scan-view'
bin.install 'tools/scan-view/ScanView.py'
bin.install 'tools/scan-view/Reporter.py'
bin.install 'tools/scan-view/startfile.py'
bin.install 'tools/scan-view/Resources'
end if build_analyzer?
def caveats; <<-EOS.undent
If you already have LLVM installed, then "brew upgrade llvm" might not work.
Instead, try:
brew rm llvm && brew install llvm
diff --git i/Makefile.rules w/Makefile.rules
index 5fc77a5..a6baaf4 100644
--- i/Makefile.rules
+++ w/Makefile.rules
@@ -507,7 +507,7 @@ ifeq ($(HOST_OS),Darwin)
# Get "4" out of 10.4 for later pieces in the makefile.
DARWIN_MAJVERS := $(shell echo $(DARWIN_VERSION)| sed -E 's/10.([0-9]).*/\1/')
- LoadableModuleOptions := -Wl,-flat_namespace -Wl,-undefined,suppress
+ LoadableModuleOptions := -Wl,-undefined,dynamic_lookup
SharedLinkOptions := -dynamiclib
ifneq ($(ARCH),ARM)
SharedLinkOptions += -mmacosx-version-min=$(DARWIN_VERSION)