76 lines
2.8 KiB
76 lines
2.8 KiB
require 'formula'
class Graphicsmagick < Formula
homepage 'http://www.graphicsmagick.org/'
url 'http://downloads.sourceforge.net/project/graphicsmagick/graphicsmagick/1.3.18/GraphicsMagick-1.3.18.tar.bz2'
sha256 '768b89a685d29b0e463ade21bc0649f2727800ebc5a8e13fa6fc17ccb9da769b'
head 'hg://http://graphicsmagick.hg.sourceforge.net:8000/hgroot/graphicsmagick/graphicsmagick'
option 'with-ghostscript', 'Compile against ghostscript (not recommended.)'
option 'use-tiff', 'Compile with libtiff support.'
option 'use-cms', 'Compile with little-cms support.'
option 'use-jpeg2000', 'Compile with jasper support.'
option 'use-wmf', 'Compile with libwmf support.'
option 'use-xz', 'Compile with xz support.'
option 'with-quantum-depth-8', 'Compile with a quantum depth of 8 bit'
option 'with-quantum-depth-16', 'Compile with a quantum depth of 16 bit'
option 'with-quantum-depth-32', 'Compile with a quantum depth of 32 bit'
option 'with-x', 'Compile with X11 support.'
option 'without-magick-plus-plus', "Don't build C++ library."
depends_on 'libtool' => :build
depends_on 'jpeg' => :recommended
depends_on :libpng
depends_on :x11 if build.include? 'with-x'
depends_on 'ghostscript' if build.include? 'with-ghostscript'
depends_on 'libtiff' if build.include? 'use-tiff'
depends_on 'little-cms2' if build.include? 'use-cms'
depends_on 'jasper' if build.include? 'use-jpeg2000'
depends_on 'libwmf' if build.include? 'use-wmf'
depends_on 'xz' if build.include? 'use-xz'
fails_with :llvm do
build 2335
skip_clean :la
def ghostscript_fonts?
File.directory? "#{HOMEBREW_PREFIX}/share/ghostscript/fonts"
def install
# versioned stuff in main tree is pointless for us
inreplace 'configure', '${PACKAGE_NAME}-${PACKAGE_VERSION}', '${PACKAGE_NAME}'
args = ["--disable-dependency-tracking",
"--enable-shared", "--disable-static"]
args << "--without-magick-plus-plus" if build.include? 'without-magick-plus-plus'
args << "--disable-openmp" if MacOS.version <= :leopard or not ENV.compiler == :gcc # libgomp unavailable
args << "--with-gslib" if build.include? 'with-ghostscript'
args << "--with-gs-font-dir=#{HOMEBREW_PREFIX}/share/ghostscript/fonts" \
unless ghostscript_fonts?
if build.include? 'with-quantum-depth-32'
quantum_depth = 32
elsif build.include? 'with-quantum-depth-16'
quantum_depth = 16
elsif build.include? 'with-quantum-depth-8'
quantum_depth = 8
args << "--with-quantum-depth=#{quantum_depth}" if quantum_depth
args << "--without-x" unless build.include? 'with-x'
system "./configure", *args
system "make install"
def test
system "#{bin}/gm", "identify", "/usr/share/doc/cups/images/cups.png"