Installation of the GLw library compiled against the OS X version of OpenGL libraries. Version 7.2 is considered by many (e.g. Fink, Ubuntu) to be the stable version of MesaLib. GLw is not provided with OS X. By default, MesaLib first compiles GL(mesa) and then GLw against it. This forces that any application compiled against GLw will also need to be linked with GL(mesa), not the native OS X version of OpenGL, since otherwise you get a version incompatibility error. In order to avoid having a duplicated version of the OpenGL library, and also to take advantage of any hardware acceleration that the OS X OpenGL version could provide, it is best to compile the GLw library against the provided OS X OpenGL library. For this purpose, some modifications to the autoconf setting file and the GLw Makefile were performed. In particular, the inclusion of the OS X OpenGL header files (located in /usr/X11/include/GL) instead of the header files provided with the mesalib package, and the linkage against the OS X OpenGL libraries (located in /usr/X11/lib). The compilation of the GL(mesa) libraries was also removed from the autoconf settings file. The installation of the package files is performed manually since the 'make install' fails due to a bad detection of symbolic links. Closes Homebrew/homebrew#6074. Signed-off-by: Charlie Sharpsteen <source@sharpsteen.net>
44 lines
1 KiB
44 lines
1 KiB
require 'formula'
class MesalibGlw < Formula
url 'http://downloads.sourceforge.net/project/mesa3d/MesaLib/7.2/MesaLib-7.2.tar.gz'
homepage 'http://www.mesa3d.org'
md5 '81a2a4b7cbfce7553f7ad8d924edbe2f'
def options
['--enable-static', "build static library"]
def install
args = ["--disable-debug", "--disable-dependency-tracking",
args << "--with-driver=xlib"
args << "--disable-gl-osmesa"
args << "--disable-glu"
args << "--disable-glut"
if ARGV.include? '--enable-static'
args << "--enable-static"
system "./configure", *args
inreplace 'configs/autoconf' do |s|
s.gsub! /.so/, '.dylib'
s.gsub! /SRC_DIRS = mesa glw/, 'SRC_DIRS = glw'
s.gsub! /-L\$\(TOP\)\/\$\(LIB_DIR\)/, '-L/usr/X11/lib'
inreplace 'src/glw/Makefile' do |s|
s.gsub! /-I\$\(TOP\)\/include /, ''
system "make"
(include+'GL').install Dir['src/glw/*.h']
lib.install Dir['lib/*']