Aitor Guevara 5cd68ce9e8 uwsgi: optionally depend on brewed Python
uwsgi didn't depend on brewed Python since system's one is enough
during the build process. If uwsgi is used to serve Python apps, though,
brewed Python should be an available option to link Python's plugin
The added --with-python option will use brewed Python to build the
plugin if --build-from-source is used.

Closes Homebrew/homebrew#30673.

Signed-off-by: Mike McQuaid <mike@mikemcquaid.com>
2014-07-07 11:58:41 -07:00

160 lines
5.7 KiB

require 'formula'
class Uwsgi < Formula
homepage "http://projects.unbit.it/uwsgi/"
url "http://projects.unbit.it/downloads/uwsgi-2.0.6.tar.gz"
sha1 "5e0fc187ea10366153a1f800c0e7e80940188837"
bottle do
sha1 "cccf498414d3120ca439ab1ed32c4ed1e04b573b" => :mavericks
sha1 "6ce7c6a0434b133d3f6efba72783650b34f13e2b" => :mountain_lion
sha1 "33678570960fa45d5e2a7017bfa1ad67f9dedeb3" => :lion
depends_on "pcre"
depends_on "yajl" if build.without? "jansson"
depends_on "geoip" => :optional
depends_on "gloox" => :optional
depends_on "go" => [:build, :optional]
depends_on "jansson" => :optional
depends_on "libffi" => :optional
depends_on "libxslt" => :optional
depends_on "libyaml" => :optional
depends_on "lua" => :optional
depends_on "mongodb" => :optional
depends_on "mongrel2" => :optional
depends_on "mono" => :optional
depends_on "nagios" => :optional
depends_on "postgresql" => :optional
depends_on "pypy" => :optional
depends_on "python" => :optional
depends_on "python3" => :optional
depends_on "rrdtool" => :optional
depends_on "rsyslog" => :optional
depends_on "tcc" => :optional
depends_on "v8" => :optional
depends_on "zeromq" => :optional
option "with-java", "Compile with Java support"
option "with-php", "Compile with PHP support (PHP must be built for embedding)"
option "with-ruby", "Compile with Ruby support"
def install
%w{CFLAGS LDFLAGS}.each { |e| ENV.append e, "-arch #{MacOS.preferred_arch}" }
json = "yajl"
if build.with? "jansson"
json = "jansson"
yaml = "embedded"
if build.with? "libyaml"
yaml = "libyaml"
(buildpath/"buildconf/brew.ini").write <<-EOS.undent
json = #{json}
yaml = #{yaml}
inherit = base
plugin_dir = #{libexec}/uwsgi
embedded_plugins = null
system "python", "uwsgiconfig.py", "--build", "brew"
plugins = ["airbrake", "alarm_curl", "alarm_speech", "asyncio", "cache",
"carbon", "cgi", "cheaper_backlog2", "cheaper_busyness",
"corerouter", "curl_cron", "cplusplus", "dumbloop", "dummy",
"echo", "emperor_amqp", "fastrouter", "forkptyrouter", "gevent",
"http", "logcrypto", "logfile", "ldap", "logpipe", "logsocket",
"msgpack", "notfound", "pam", "ping", "psgi", "pty", "rawrouter",
"router_basicauth", "router_cache", "router_expires",
"router_hash", "router_http", "router_memcached",
"router_metrics", "router_radius", "router_redirect",
"router_redis", "router_rewrite", "router_static",
"router_uwsgi", "router_xmldir", "rpc", "signal", "spooler",
"sqlite3", "sslrouter", "stats_pusher_file",
"stats_pusher_socket", "symcall", "syslog",
"transformation_chunked", "transformation_gzip",
"transformation_offload", "transformation_tofile",
"transformation_toupper","ugreen", "webdav", "zergpool"]
plugins << "alarm_xmpp" if build.with? "gloox"
plugins << "emperor_mongodb" if build.with? "mongodb"
plugins << "emperor_pg" if build.with? "postgresql"
plugins << "ffi" if build.with? "libffi"
plugins << "fiber" if build.with? "ruby"
plugins << "gccgo" if build.with? "go"
plugins << "geoip" if build.with? "geoip"
plugins << "jvm" if build.with? "java"
plugins << "jwsgi" if build.with? "java"
plugins << "libtcc" if build.with? "tcc"
plugins << "lua" if build.with? "lua"
plugins << "mongodb" if build.with? "mongodb"
plugins << "mongodblog" if build.with? "mongodb"
plugins << "mongrel2" if build.with? "mongrel2"
plugins << "mono" if build.with? "mono"
plugins << "nagios" if build.with? "nagios"
plugins << "pypy" if build.with? "pypy"
plugins << "php" if build.with? "php"
plugins << "rack" if build.with? "ruby"
plugins << "rbthreads" if build.with? "ruby"
plugins << "ring" if build.with? "java"
plugins << "rrdtool" if build.with? "rrdtool"
plugins << "rsyslog" if build.with? "rsyslog"
plugins << "servlet" if build.with? "java"
plugins << "stats_pusher_mongodb" if build.with? "mongodb"
plugins << "v8" if build.with? "v8"
plugins << "xslt" if build.with? "libxslt"
plugins.each do |plugin|
system "python", "uwsgiconfig.py", "--plugin", "plugins/#{plugin}", "brew"
python_versions = ["python", "python2"]
python_versions << "python3" if build.with? "python3"
python_versions.each do |v|
system "python", "uwsgiconfig.py", "--plugin", "plugins/python", "brew", v
bin.install "uwsgi"
plist_options :manual => 'uwsgi'
def plist; <<-EOS.undent
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "http://www.apple.com/DTDs/PropertyList-1.0.dtd">
<plist version="1.0">