Dominyk Tiller 19f5aec19d pdf-redact-tools 0.1 (new formula)
Despite the 0.1 release tag this release is stable and the project is
widely used and >1 year old. I requested the tagged release so I
could work on a formula here, as it'd be good to get it in Homebrew.

Strips metadata from PDFs, amongst other things. Highly useful.

Closes Homebrew/homebrew#37127.

Signed-off-by: Mike McQuaid <mike@mikemcquaid.com>
2015-02-24 08:53:35 +00:00

30 lines
1 KiB

class PdfRedactTools < Formula
homepage "https://github.com/micahflee/pdf-redact-tools"
url "https://github.com/micahflee/pdf-redact-tools/archive/v0.1.tar.gz"
sha256 "9d5f095e5d056eb527c08c4736b45c99aa6399424dd6ed7155e3d7cd1600c55e"
head "https://github.com/micahflee/pdf-redact-tools.git"
depends_on :python if MacOS.version <= :snow_leopard
depends_on "imagemagick"
depends_on "exiftool"
depends_on "ghostscript"
def install
ENV.prepend_create_path "PYTHONPATH", libexec/"lib/python2.7/site-packages"
system "python", *Language::Python.setup_install_args(libexec)
bin.install Dir["#{libexec}/bin/*"]
bin.env_script_all_files(libexec/"bin", :PYTHONPATH => ENV["PYTHONPATH"])
test do
# Modifies the file in the directory the file is placed in.
cp test_fixtures("test.pdf"), "test.pdf"
system bin/"pdf-redact-tools", "-e", "test.pdf"
assert File.exist?("test_pages/page-0.png")
rm_rf "test_pages"
system bin/"pdf-redact-tools", "-s", "test.pdf"
assert File.exist?("test-final.pdf")