Dominyk Tiller c4d9c2a99c formule: migrate various patches (part 1)
a2ps: migrate patches
argp-standalone: migrate patch
autotrace: migrate patches
avidemux: reference secure link
bibtex2html: migrate patches
bsdmake: migrate patches
cctools: migrate patches
cdparanoia: migrate patches
cdrdao: reference secure links
center-im: migrate patch
clisp: migrate patch
clucene: migrate patches
cvs: migrate to sha256
daemon: migrate patch
dvdrtools: migrate patches
exim: style nits
exim: migrate option
ghostscript: migrate patch
glib: migrate patch
gpsd: migrate patch
graphviz: migrate patch
gtkglext: migrate patches
gupnp: migrate patch
hping: migrate patches
id3lib: migrate patches
jigdo: migrate patch
jove: migrate patch
ld64: migrate patches
libcanberra: migrate patch
libgcrypt: migrate patch
libinfinity: migrate patch
liblinear: migrate patch
libmms: migrate patch
libnet: migrate patch
lsdvd: migrate patches
2015-10-07 19:36:24 +01:00

56 lines
2.1 KiB

class Libgcrypt < Formula
desc "Cryptographic library based on the code from GnuPG"
homepage "https://gnupg.org/"
url "https://www.gnupg.org/ftp/gcrypt/libgcrypt/libgcrypt-1.6.4.tar.bz2"
mirror "ftp://ftp.gnupg.org/gcrypt/libgcrypt/libgcrypt-1.6.4.tar.bz2"
mirror "https://www.mirrorservice.org/sites/ftp.gnupg.org/gcrypt/libgcrypt/libgcrypt-1.6.4.tar.bz2"
sha256 "c9bc2c7fe2e5f4ea13b0c74f9d24bcbb1ad889bb39297d8082aebf23f4336026"
bottle do
cellar :any
sha256 "c239866860860e717e646856b9870e7cd9ee0729b8700a40f8be47a174d29146" => :el_capitan
sha256 "e8559d5c93be44c94a4652f74d8835a416b1771e492446c2a2d9da725460d5ca" => :yosemite
sha256 "09a01dd58c81f0efb278d2e1270983ae4e477bb5fc4c54489dc6582084a147bb" => :mavericks
sha256 "1c79948cbb7bb2750f23a6b3a91aafbd49ef0eb4d5868cabd91dcfb7592dac19" => :mountain_lion
option :universal
depends_on "libgpg-error"
resource "config.h.ed" do
url "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/patches/ec8d133/libgcrypt/config.h.ed"
version "113198"
sha256 "d02340651b18090f3df9eed47a4d84bed703103131378e1e493c26d7d0c7aab1"
def install
ENV.universal_binary if build.universal?
system "./configure", "--disable-dependency-tracking",
if build.universal?
buildpath.install resource("config.h.ed")
system "ed -s - config.h <config.h.ed"
# Parallel builds work, but only when run as separate steps
system "make"
system "make", "install"
# Make check currently dies on El Capitan
# https://github.com/Homebrew/homebrew/issues/41599
# https://bugs.gnupg.org/gnupg/issue2056
# This check should be above make install again when fixed.
system "make", "check"
test do
touch "testing"
output = shell_output("#{bin}/hmac256 \"testing\" testing")
assert_match /0e824ce7c056c82ba63cc40cffa60d3195b5bb5feccc999a47724cc19211aef6/, output