2017-11-17 08:14:49 -08:00

62 lines
2.1 KiB

class Tenyr < Formula
desc "32-bit computing environment (including simulated CPU)"
homepage "http://tenyr.info/"
url "https://github.com/kulp/tenyr/archive/v0.9.5.tar.gz"
sha256 "3fe066d0dd12b56d6febd2aeb86a141272d1fe3904cb6421933168e98e8ba6aa"
head "https://github.com/kulp/tenyr.git", :branch => "develop"
bottle do
cellar :any
sha256 "8acd61335c5fa25698b1593649bb3102fb034b9d4f61826b91495877fcceb8ac" => :high_sierra
sha256 "d2f1bdbad0ab62d0bad8febca4de963414760ff4acd515974ae3e36067d77c5e" => :sierra
sha256 "45713c09432fd87341e37a8e4685364e5f8cb435919f6dd14d9e28165757cc75" => :el_capitan
depends_on "pkg-config" => :build
depends_on "bison" => :build # tenyr requires bison >= 2.5
# sdl2_image implies sdl2. If we specify sdl2 separately, we create
# nonsensical possibilities like `--with-sdl2_image --without-sdl2`
# tenyr requires sdl2_image --with-png
depends_on "sdl2_image" => :recommended
def install
bison = Formula["bison"].bin/"bison"
args = []
# specify our own bison, since we need bison >= 2.5
args << "BISON=" + bison
# JIT build is not available until we can pull in AsmJit somehow
# HEAD version can build with JIT enabled, using git submodule
# Right now there is no way for `build.with? "jit"` to be true
args << "JIT=0" if build.without? "jit"
# Use our own build directory (tenyr's default build directory encodes
# builder platform information in the path)
builddir = "build/homebrew"
args << "BUILDDIR=" + builddir
args << "SDL=0" if build.without?("sdl2_image")
system "make", *args
pkgshare.install "rsrc", "plugins"
cd builddir do
bin.install "tsim", "tas", "tld"
lib.install Dir["*.dylib"]
test do
# sanity test assembler, linker and simulator
(testpath/"part1").write "B <- 9\n"
(testpath/"part2").write "C <- B * 3\n"
system "#{bin}/tas", "--output=a.to", "part1"
system "#{bin}/tas", "--output=b.to", "part2"
system "#{bin}/tld", "--output=test.texe", "a.to", "b.to"
assert_match "C 0000001b", shell_output("#{bin}/tsim -vvvv test.texe 2>&1")