Brad Ackerman f665ddec8d SIMH 3.9 won't compile w/o deparallelize; also added --HEAD
Closes Homebrew/homebrew#14583.

Signed-off-by: Adam Vandenberg <flangy@gmail.com>
2012-08-31 08:51:20 -07:00

26 lines
930 B

require 'formula'
class Simh < Formula
homepage 'http://simh.trailing-edge.com/'
url 'http://simh.trailing-edge.com/sources/simhv39-0.zip'
sha1 '1de3938f0dcb51d55b0e53aea8ae9769ccc57bdb'
version '3.9-0'
head 'https://github.com/simh/simh.git'
# After 3.9-0 the project moves to https://github.com/simh/simh
# It doesn't actually fail, but the makefile queries llvm-gcc -v --help a lot
# to determine what flags to throw. It is simply not designed for clang.
# Remove at the next revision that will support clang (see github site).
fails_with :clang do
build 421
cause 'The program is closely tied to gcc & llvm-gcc in this revision.'
def install
ENV.deparallelize unless build.head?
inreplace 'makefile', 'GCC = gcc', "GCC = #{ENV.cc}"
inreplace 'makefile', 'CFLAGS_O = -O2', "CFLAGS_O = #{ENV.cflags}"
system "make USE_NETWORK=1 all"
bin.install Dir['BIN/*']