The MacOS.version? family of methods (other than "leopard?") are poorly defined and lead to confusing code. Replace them in formulae with more explicit comparisons. "MacOS.version" is a special version object that can be compared to numerics, symbols, and strings using the standard Ruby comparison methods. The old methods were moved to compat when the version comparison code was merged, and they must remain there "forever", but they should not be used in new code. Signed-off-by: Jack Nagel <jacknagel@gmail.com>
43 lines
1.3 KiB
43 lines
1.3 KiB
require 'formula'
class Sdl < Formula
homepage 'http://www.libsdl.org/'
url 'http://www.libsdl.org/release/SDL-1.2.15.tar.gz'
sha1 '0c5f193ced810b0d7ce3ab06d808cbb5eef03a2c'
head 'http://hg.libsdl.org/SDL', :using => :hg
if build.head?
depends_on :automake
depends_on :libtool
option :universal
def install
# we have to do this because most build scripts assume that all sdl modules
# are installed to the same prefix. Consequently SDL stuff cannot be
# keg-only but I doubt that will be needed.
inreplace %w[sdl.pc.in sdl-config.in], '@prefix@', HOMEBREW_PREFIX
ENV.universal_binary if build.universal?
system "./autogen.sh" if build.head?
args = %W[--prefix=#{prefix}]
args << "--disable-nasm" unless MacOS.version >= :mountain_lion # might work with earlier, might only work with new clang
# LLVM-based compilers choke on the assembly code packaged with SDL.
args << '--disable-assembly' if ENV.compiler == :llvm or ENV.compiler == :clang and MacOS.clang_build_version < 421
args << '--without-x'
system './configure', *args
system "make install"
# Copy source files needed for Ojective-C support.
libexec.install Dir["src/main/macosx/*"]
def test
system "#{bin}/sdl-config", "--version"