Tim Byrne 5fc622c78e yadm 1.04 (new formula)
yadm is a dotfile management tool with 3 main features: Manages files across
systems using a single Git repository. Provides a way to use alternate files on
a specific OS or host. Supplies a method of encrypting confidential data so it
can safely be stored in your repository.

Closes #674.

Signed-off-by: Dominyk Tiller <dominyktiller@gmail.com>
2016-04-29 18:53:33 +01:00

30 lines
1 KiB

class Yadm < Formula
desc "Yet Another Dotfiles Manager"
homepage "https://github.com/TheLocehiliosan/yadm"
url "https://github.com/TheLocehiliosan/yadm/archive/1.04.tar.gz"
sha256 "a73aa51245866ce67aeb4322a62995ebbb13f29dc35508f486819dceb534968a"
def install
bin.install "yadm"
man1.install "yadm.1"
test do
system bin/"yadm", "init"
assert File.exist?(testpath/".yadm/repo.git/config"), "Failed to init repository."
assert_match testpath.to_s, shell_output("#{bin}/yadm gitconfig core.worktree")
# disable auto-alt
system bin/"yadm", "config", "yadm.auto-alt", "false"
assert_match "false", shell_output("#{bin}/yadm config yadm.auto-alt")
(testpath/"testfile").write "test"
system bin/"yadm", "add", "#{testpath}/testfile"
system bin/"yadm", "gitconfig", "user.email", "test@test.org"
system bin/"yadm", "gitconfig", "user.name", "Test User"
system bin/"yadm", "commit", "-m", "test commit"
assert_match "test commit", shell_output("#{bin}/yadm log --pretty=oneline 2>&1")