Adam Vandenberg e1bb919734 Add "fails_with_llvm" to formula to document LLVM build breaks.
Replaced ENV.gcc_4_2 + comments with calls to "fails_with_llvm",
to specifically message to the user when a formula is known or suspected
to not build with LLVM. If the user specifies "--use-llvm", the message
will be displayed, but compilation will be tried anyway.

Since using LLVM is now an advanced/hidden feature instead of the
default on 10.6, we'll let the user try anyway (and submit patches
if things are now working.)
2010-06-16 11:50:36 -07:00

27 lines
857 B

require 'formula'
class Sdl <Formula
url 'http://www.libsdl.org/release/SDL-1.2.14.tar.gz'
homepage 'http://www.libsdl.org/'
md5 'e52086d1b508fa0b76c52ee30b55bec4'
# we have to do this because most build scripts assume that all sdl modules
# are installed to the same prefix. Consequently SDL stuff cannot be
# keg-only but I doubt that will be needed.
def self.use_homebrew_prefix files
inreplace files, '@prefix@', HOMEBREW_PREFIX
def install
Sdl.use_homebrew_prefix %w[sdl.pc.in sdl-config.in]
system "./configure", "--prefix=#{prefix}", "--disable-debug",
system "make install"
# Copy source files needed for Ojective-C support.
libexec.install Dir["src/main/macosx/*"]