Xiyue Deng 5d62099e5c doxygen: enable dot and GUI
* Add option and depends on graphviz for dot.
* Add option and depends on qt for GUI support.

Closes Homebrew/homebrew#16860.

Signed-off-by: Adam Vandenberg <flangy@gmail.com>
2013-01-16 08:39:07 -08:00

23 lines
795 B

require 'formula'
class Doxygen < Formula
homepage 'http://www.doxygen.org/'
url 'http://ftp.stack.nl/pub/users/dimitri/doxygen-1.8.3.src.tar.gz'
mirror 'http://downloads.sourceforge.net/project/doxygen/rel-1.8.3/doxygen-1.8.3.src.tar.gz'
sha1 'e74240f445e08b782fa7a3de5f0b333901307587'
head 'https://doxygen.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/doxygen/trunk'
option 'with-dot', 'Build with dot command support from Graphviz.'
option 'with-doxywizard', 'Build GUI frontend with qt support.'
depends_on 'graphviz' if build.include? 'with-dot'
depends_on 'qt' if build.include? 'with-doxywizard'
def install
system "./configure", "--prefix", prefix
system "make"
# MAN1DIR, relative to the given prefix
system "make", "MAN1DIR=share/man/man1", "install"