Misty De Meo 092a2c3b51
rakudo-star: fix url (#40963)
The rakudo-star file servers have changed paths. The checksums still match.
2019-06-13 18:17:31 -07:00

49 lines
1.7 KiB

class RakudoStar < Formula
desc "Perl 6 compiler"
homepage "https://rakudo.org/"
url "https://rakudostar.com/files/star/rakudo-star-2019.03.tar.gz"
sha256 "640a69de3a2b4f6c49e75a01040e8770de3650ea1d5bb61057e3dfa3c79cc008"
bottle do
sha256 "0254663db2347c6002b4402ddbb7ed64bf29068b15e196e6fe011e9b027081ee" => :mojave
sha256 "dd67fdfc69505bae6b7e1a30f5c6908bba312e3673ca81c415d3a626387ed8be" => :high_sierra
sha256 "773b28e24f2893e23307c818b49f8517a6fb4a3af3be4eee468e4c2e1ff70555" => :sierra
depends_on "gmp"
depends_on "icu4c"
depends_on "libffi"
depends_on "pcre"
conflicts_with "parrot"
def install
libffi = Formula["libffi"]
ENV.remove "CPPFLAGS", "-I#{libffi.include}"
ENV.prepend "CPPFLAGS", "-I#{libffi.lib}/libffi-#{libffi.version}/include"
ENV.deparallelize # An intermittent race condition causes random build failures.
system "perl", "Configure.pl", "--prefix=#{prefix}",
"--backends=moar", "--gen-moar"
system "make"
# make install runs tests that can hang on sierra
# set this variable to skip those tests
system "make", "install"
# Panda is now in share/perl6/site/bin, so we need to symlink it too.
bin.install_symlink Dir[share/"perl6/site/bin/*"]
# Move the man pages out of the top level into share.
# Not all backends seem to generate man pages at this point (moar does not, parrot does),
# so we need to check if the directory exists first.
mv "#{prefix}/man", share if File.directory?("#{prefix}/man")
test do
out = `#{bin}/perl6 -e 'loop (my $i = 0; $i < 10; $i++) { print $i }'`
assert_equal "0123456789", out
assert_equal 0, $CHILD_STATUS.exitstatus