New `depends_on :python` Dependency. New `depends_on :python3` Dependency. To avoid having multiple formulae with endings -py2 and -py3, we will handle support for different pythons (2.x vs. 3.x) in the same formula. Further brewed vs. external python will be transparently supported. The formula also gets a new object `python`, which is false if no Python is available or the user has disabled it. Otherwise it is defined and provides several support methods: python.site_packages # the site-packages in the formula's Cellar python.global_site_packages python.binary # the full path to the python binary python.prefix python.version python.version.major python.version.minor python.xy # => e.g. "python2.7" python.incdir # includes of python python.libdir # the python dylib library python.pkg_config_path # used internally by brew python.from_osx? python.framework? python.universal? python.pypy? python.standard_caveats # Text to set PYTHONPATH for python.from_osx? python.if3then3 # => "" for 2.x and to "3" for 3.x. Further, to avoid code duplication, `python` takes an optional block that is run twice if the formula defines depends_on :python AND :python3. python do system python, 'setup.py', "--prefix=#{prefix}" end Read more in the Homebrew wiki.
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81 lines
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require 'formula'
class UniversalPython < Requirement
satisfy(:build_env => false) { archs_for_command("python").universal? }
def message; <<-EOS.undent
A universal build was requested, but Python is not a universal build
Boost compiles against the Python it finds in the path; if this Python
is not a universal build then linking will likely fail.
class Boost149 < Formula
homepage 'http://www.boost.org'
url 'http://downloads.sourceforge.net/project/boost/boost/1.49.0/boost_1_49_0.tar.bz2'
sha1 '26a52840e9d12f829e3008589abf0a925ce88524'
keg_only "Boost 1.49 is provided for software that doesn't compile against newer versions."
env :userpaths
option :universal
option 'with-mpi', 'Enable MPI support'
option 'with-icu4c', 'Build regexp engine with icu support'
depends_on :python => :recommended
depends_on UniversalPython if build.universal? and build.with? "python"
depends_on "icu4c" => :optional
depends_on MPIDependency.new(:cc, :cxx) if build.with? "mpi"
fails_with :llvm do
build 2335
cause "Dropped arguments to functions when linking with boost"
def patches
# Security fix for Boost.Locale. For details: http://www.boost.org/users/news/boost_locale_security_notice.html
{:p0 => "http://cppcms.com/files/locale/boost_locale_utf.patch"}
def install
# Adjust the name the libs are installed under to include the path to the
# full keg library location.
inreplace 'tools/build/v2/tools/darwin.jam',
'-install_name "',
"-install_name \"#{lib}/"
# Force boost to compile using the appropriate GCC version
open("user-config.jam", "a") do |file|
file.write "using darwin : : #{ENV.cxx} ;\n"
file.write "using mpi ;\n" if build.with? 'mpi'
# we specify libdir too because the script is apparently broken
bargs = ["--prefix=#{prefix}", "--libdir=#{lib}"]
if build.with? 'icu4c'
icu4c_prefix = Formula.factory('icu4c').opt_prefix
bargs << "--with-icu=#{icu4c_prefix}"
bargs << '--without-icu'
args = ["--prefix=#{prefix}",
args << "address-model=32_64" << "architecture=x86" << "pch=off" if build.universal?
args << "--without-python" if build.without? 'python'
system "./bootstrap.sh", *bargs
system "./bjam", *args