121 lines
4.6 KiB
121 lines
4.6 KiB
class Libav < Formula
desc "Audio and video processing tools"
homepage "https://libav.org/"
url "https://libav.org/releases/libav-12.1.tar.xz"
sha256 "fad96aa265d3d64b9e53c159559621ec888effa022908da8372164fa4cbe5d2d"
head "https://git.libav.org/libav.git"
bottle do
sha256 "464e5497edf4bdb3089a270fd141a21b9ef742ad81c4b75c66d0cabd1b8aa5a3" => :high_sierra
sha256 "83454e0551667ff35b7ed5d70b9fbe414c173e65ee9f4a60837c3cb4f308d7e6" => :sierra
sha256 "2ba607e18aeeb9b69e2903b14b04ecdd822bd460aecefeac92e4f02c85862226" => :el_capitan
sha256 "41fcc69856efd258965104e42e6197ff67afa3f239604e45cbefe1bc47c62e77" => :yosemite
option "without-faac", "Disable AAC encoder via faac"
option "without-lame", "Disable MP3 encoder via libmp3lame"
option "without-libvorbis", "Disable Vorbis encoding via libvorbis"
option "without-libvpx", "Disable VP8 de/encoding via libvpx"
option "without-x264", "Disable H.264 encoder via x264"
option "without-xvid", "Disable Xvid MPEG-4 video encoder via xvid"
option "with-opencore-amr", "Enable AMR-NB de/encoding and AMR-WB decoding " \
"via libopencore-amrnb and libopencore-amrwb"
option "with-openssl", "Enable SSL support"
option "with-rtmpdump", "Enable RTMP protocol support"
option "with-schroedinger", "Enable Dirac video format"
option "with-sdl", "Enable avplay"
option "with-speex", "Enable Speex de/encoding via libspeex"
option "with-theora", "Enable Theora encoding via libtheora"
option "with-libvo-aacenc", "Enable VisualOn AAC encoder"
depends_on "pkg-config" => :build
depends_on "yasm" => :build
# manpages won't be built without texi2html
depends_on "texi2html" => :build if MacOS.version >= :mountain_lion
depends_on "faac" => :recommended
depends_on "fdk-aac" => :recommended
depends_on "freetype" => :recommended
depends_on "lame" => :recommended
depends_on "libvorbis" => :recommended
depends_on "libvpx" => :recommended
depends_on "opus" => :recommended
depends_on "x264" => :recommended
depends_on "xvid" => :recommended
depends_on "fontconfig" => :optional
depends_on "frei0r" => :optional
depends_on "gnutls" => :optional
depends_on "libvo-aacenc" => :optional
depends_on "opencore-amr" => :optional
depends_on "openssl" => :optional
depends_on "rtmpdump" => :optional
depends_on "schroedinger" => :optional
depends_on "sdl" => :optional
depends_on "speex" => :optional
depends_on "theora" => :optional
# https://bugzilla.libav.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1033
patch do
url "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/formula-patches/b6e917c/libav/Check-for--no_weak_imports-in-ldflags-on-macOS.patch"
sha256 "986d748ba2c7c83319a59d76fbb0dca22dcd51f0252b3d1f3b80dbda2cf79742"
def install
args = [
args << "--enable-frei0r" if build.with? "frei0r"
args << "--enable-gnutls" if build.with? "gnutls"
args << "--enable-libfaac" if build.with? "faac"
args << "--enable-libfdk-aac" if build.with? "fdk-aac"
args << "--enable-libfontconfig" if build.with? "fontconfig"
args << "--enable-libfreetype" if build.with? "freetype"
args << "--enable-libmp3lame" if build.with? "lame"
args << "--enable-libopencore-amrnb" if build.with? "opencore-amr"
args << "--enable-libopencore-amrwb" if build.with? "opencore-amr"
args << "--enable-libopus" if build.with? "opus"
args << "--enable-librtmp" if build.with? "rtmpdump"
args << "--enable-libschroedinger" if build.with? "schroedinger"
args << "--enable-libspeex" if build.with? "speex"
args << "--enable-libtheora" if build.with? "theora"
args << "--enable-libvo-aacenc" if build.with? "libvo-aacenc"
args << "--enable-libvorbis" if build.with? "libvorbis"
args << "--enable-libvpx" if build.with? "libvpx"
args << "--enable-libx264" if build.with? "x264"
args << "--enable-libxvid" if build.with? "xvid"
args << "--enable-openssl" if build.with? "openssl"
system "./configure", *args
system "make"
bin.install "avconv", "avprobe"
man1.install "doc/avconv.1", "doc/avprobe.1"
if build.with? "sdl"
bin.install "avplay"
man1.install "doc/avplay.1"
test do
# Create an example mp4 file
system "#{bin}/avconv", "-y", "-filter_complex",
"testsrc=rate=1:duration=1", "#{testpath}/video.mp4"
assert (testpath/"video.mp4").exist?