2017-02-05 06:26:56 -08:00

74 lines
2.9 KiB

require "language/haskell"
class GitAnnex < Formula
include Language::Haskell::Cabal
desc "Manage files with git without checking in file contents"
homepage "https://git-annex.branchable.com/"
url "https://hackage.haskell.org/package/git-annex-6.20170101/git-annex-6.20170101.tar.gz"
sha256 "5fbf88652a84278275d9d4bec083189f590b045e23a73bfe8d395c3e356e3f53"
revision 2
head "git://git-annex.branchable.com/"
bottle do
sha256 "541a9ca45f5ddb6baf37f4be4067e32a50f9ede4338a937a87364d3b8a18056b" => :sierra
sha256 "011ec79e42d82f42386101a8d2d79d5d520c66b8c1c61f39335ae257bf926358" => :el_capitan
sha256 "5dff8242ee567f1916cb01abda57f079a2d10d4cad286f5d6cae3ec3f1b77549" => :yosemite
option "with-git-union-merge", "Build the git-union-merge tool"
depends_on "ghc" => :build
depends_on "cabal-install" => :build
depends_on "pkg-config" => :build
depends_on "gsasl"
depends_on "libidn"
depends_on "libmagic"
depends_on "gnutls"
depends_on "quvi"
depends_on "xdot" => :recommended
def install
# aws-0.16 compatibility
# Avoid the build failure "Remote/S3.hs:224:49: error: The constructor
# 'S3.UploadPartResponse' should have 1 argument, but has been given 2"
# Fix taken from upstream report from 5 Feb 2017 https://git-annex.branchable.com/bugs/aws_0.16_breaking_changes/
inreplace "Remote/S3.hs",
"S3.UploadPartResponse _ etag <- sendS3Handle h req",
"S3.UploadPartResponse { S3.uprETag = etag } <- sendS3Handle h req"
install_cabal_package :using => ["alex", "happy", "c2hs"], :flags => ["s3", "webapp"] do
# this can be made the default behavior again once git-union-merge builds properly when bottling
if build.with? "git-union-merge"
system "make", "git-union-merge", "PREFIX=#{prefix}"
bin.install "git-union-merge"
system "make", "git-union-merge.1", "PREFIX=#{prefix}"
bin.install_symlink "git-annex" => "git-annex-shell"
test do
# make sure git can find git-annex
ENV.prepend_path "PATH", bin
# We don't want this here or it gets "caught" by git-annex.
rm_r "Library/Python/2.7/lib/python/site-packages/homebrew.pth"
system "git", "init"
system "git", "annex", "init"
(testpath/"Hello.txt").write "Hello!"
assert !File.symlink?("Hello.txt")
assert_match "add Hello.txt ok", shell_output("git annex add .")
system "git", "commit", "-a", "-m", "Initial Commit"
assert File.symlink?("Hello.txt")
# The steps below are necessary to ensure the directory cleanly deletes.
# git-annex guards files in a way that isn't entirely friendly of automatically
# wiping temporary directories in the way `brew test` does at end of execution.
system "git", "rm", "Hello.txt", "-f"
system "git", "commit", "-a", "-m", "Farewell!"
system "git", "annex", "unused"
assert_match "dropunused 1 ok", shell_output("git annex dropunused 1 --force")
system "git", "annex", "uninit"