Without Numpy, the Python bindings can't deal with Raster data very well which pretty much hoses half of the GDAL functionality.
299 lines
9.2 KiB
299 lines
9.2 KiB
require 'formula'
def complete?
ARGV.include? "--complete"
def postgres?
ARGV.include? "--with-postgres"
def mysql?
ARGV.include? "--with-mysql"
def no_python?
ARGV.include? "--without-python"
def opencl?
ARGV.include? "--enable-opencl"
class Gdal < Formula
url 'http://download.osgeo.org/gdal/gdal-1.8.1.tar.gz'
homepage 'http://www.gdal.org/'
md5 'b32269893afc9dc9eced45e74e4c6bb4'
head 'https://svn.osgeo.org/gdal/trunk/gdal', :using => :svn
depends_on 'jpeg'
depends_on 'giflib'
depends_on 'proj'
depends_on 'geos'
depends_on "postgresql" if postgres?
depends_on "mysql" if mysql?
# Without Numpy, the Python bindings can't deal with raster data.
depends_on 'numpy' => :python unless no_python?
if complete?
# Raster libraries
depends_on "netcdf" # Also brings in HDF5
depends_on "jasper" # May need a keg-only GeoJasPer library as this one is
# not geo-spatially enabled.
depends_on "cfitsio"
depends_on "epsilon"
# Vector libraries
depends_on "unixodbc" # OS X version is not complete enough
depends_on "libspatialite"
depends_on "xerces-c"
depends_on "poppler"
# Other libraries
depends_on "xz" # get liblzma compression algorithm library from XZutils
def patches
if complete?
# EPSILON v0.9.x slightly modified the naming of some struct members. A
# fix is in the GDAL trunk but was kept out of 1.8.1 due to concern for
# users of EPSILON v0.8.x. Homebrew installs 0.9.2+ so this concern is a
# moot point.
{:p1 => DATA}
def options
['--complete', 'Use additional Homebrew libraries to provide more drivers.'],
['--with-postgres', 'Specify PostgreSQL as a dependency.'],
['--with-mysql', 'Specify MySQL as a dependency.'],
['--without-python', 'Build without Python support (disables a lot of tools).'],
['--enable-opencl', 'Build with support for OpenCL.']
def get_configure_args
args = [
# Base configuration.
# GDAL native backends.
"--with-libtiff=internal", # For bigTIFF support
# Backends supported by OS X.
# Default Homebrew backends.
# GRASS backend explicitly disabled. Creates a chicken-and-egg problem.
# Should be installed seperately after GRASS installation using the
# official GDAL GRASS plugin.
# OPeNDAP support also explicitly disabled for now---causes the
# configuration of other components such as Curl and Spatialite to fail
# for unknown reasons.
# Optional library support for additional formats.
if complete?
args.concat [
args.concat [
# The following libraries are either proprietary or available under
# non-free licenses. Interested users will have to install such
# software manually.
# Database support.
args << "--without-pg" unless postgres?
args << "--without-mysql" unless mysql?
args << "--without-sde" # ESRI ArcSDE databases
args << "--without-ingres" # Ingres databases
args << "--without-oci" # Oracle databases
args << "--without-idb" # IBM Informix DataBlades
# Hombrew-provided databases.
args << "--with-pg=#{HOMEBREW_PREFIX}/bin/pg_config" if postgres?
args << "--with-mysql=#{HOMEBREW_PREFIX}/bin/mysql_config" if mysql?
args << "--without-python" # Installed using a seperate set of
# steps so that everything winds up
# in the prefix.
# Scripting APIs that have not been re-worked to respect Homebrew prefixes.
# Currently disabled as they install willy-nilly into locations outside of
# the Hombrew prefix. Enable if you feel like it, but uninstallation may be
# a manual affair.
# TODO: Fix installation of script bindings so they install into the
# Homebrew prefix.
args << "--without-perl"
args << "--without-php"
args << "--without-ruby"
# OpenCL support
args << "--with-opencl" if opencl?
return args
def install
system "./configure", "--prefix=#{prefix}", *get_configure_args
system "make"
system "make install"
unless no_python?
# If setuptools happens to be installed, setup.py will cowardly refuse to
# install to anywhere that is not on the PYTHONPATH.
# Really setuptools, we're all consenting adults here...
python_lib = lib + "python"
ENV.append 'PYTHONPATH', python_lib
# setuptools is also apparently incapable of making the directory it's
# self
# `python-config` may try to talk us into building bindings for more
# architectures than we really should.
if MacOS.prefer_64_bit?
ENV.append_to_cflags '-arch x86_64'
ENV.append_to_cflags '-arch i386'
Dir.chdir 'swig/python' do
system "python", "setup.py", "install_lib", "--install-dir=#{python_lib}"
bin.install Dir['scripts/*']
unless no_python?
def caveats
This version of GDAL was built with Python support. In addition to providing
modules that makes GDAL functions available to Python scripts, the Python
binding provides ~18 additional command line tools. However, both the Python
bindings and the additional tools will be unusable unless the following
directory is added to the PYTHONPATH:
This patch updates GDAL to be compatible with EPSILON 0.9.x. Changes sourced from the GDAL trunk:
Patch can be removed when GDAL hits 1.9.0.
diff --git a/frmts/epsilon/epsilondataset.cpp b/frmts/epsilon/epsilondataset.cpp
index b12928a..3f967cc 100644
--- a/frmts/epsilon/epsilondataset.cpp
+++ b/frmts/epsilon/epsilondataset.cpp
@@ -48,6 +48,13 @@ typedef struct
vsi_l_offset offset;
} BlockDesc;
+#define GET_FIELD(hdr, field) \
+ (hdr.block_type == EPS_GRAYSCALE_BLOCK) ? hdr.gs.field : hdr.tc.field
+#define GET_FIELD(hdr, field) \
+ (hdr.block_type == EPS_GRAYSCALE_BLOCK) ? hdr.hdr_data.gs.field : hdr.hdr_data.tc.field
/* ==================================================================== */
@@ -237,8 +244,8 @@ CPLErr EpsilonRasterBand::IReadBlock( int nBlockXOff,
return CE_Failure;
- int w = (hdr.block_type == EPS_GRAYSCALE_BLOCK) ? hdr.gs.w : hdr.tc.w;
- int h = (hdr.block_type == EPS_GRAYSCALE_BLOCK) ? hdr.gs.h : hdr.tc.h;
+ int w = GET_FIELD(hdr, w);
+ int h = GET_FIELD(hdr, h);
int i;
if (poGDS->nBands == 1)
@@ -505,12 +512,12 @@ int EpsilonDataset::ScanBlocks(int* pnBands)
- int W = (hdr.block_type == EPS_GRAYSCALE_BLOCK) ? hdr.gs.W : hdr.tc.W;
- int H = (hdr.block_type == EPS_GRAYSCALE_BLOCK) ? hdr.gs.H : hdr.tc.H;
- int x = (hdr.block_type == EPS_GRAYSCALE_BLOCK) ? hdr.gs.x : hdr.tc.x;
- int y = (hdr.block_type == EPS_GRAYSCALE_BLOCK) ? hdr.gs.y : hdr.tc.y;
- int w = (hdr.block_type == EPS_GRAYSCALE_BLOCK) ? hdr.gs.w : hdr.tc.w;
- int h = (hdr.block_type == EPS_GRAYSCALE_BLOCK) ? hdr.gs.h : hdr.tc.h;
+ int W = GET_FIELD(hdr, W);
+ int H = GET_FIELD(hdr, H);
+ int x = GET_FIELD(hdr, x);
+ int y = GET_FIELD(hdr, y);
+ int w = GET_FIELD(hdr, w);
+ int h = GET_FIELD(hdr, h);
//CPLDebug("EPSILON", "W=%d,H=%d,x=%d,y=%d,w=%d,h=%d,offset=" CPL_FRMT_GUIB,
// W, H, x, y, w, h, nStartBlockFileOff);