Max Howell c665eac117 Dependency resolution with fancy syntax
Is it a DSL? No. But people call it that apparently.

To add a dependency:

class Doe <Formula
  depends_on 'ray'
  depends_on 'mee' => :optional
  depends_on 'far' => :recommended
  depends_on Sew.new

Sew would be a formula you have defined in this Formula file. This is useful,
eg. see Python's formula. Formula specified in this fashion cannot be linked
into the HOMEBREW_PREFIX, they are considered private libraries. This allows
you to create custom installations that are very specific to your formula.

More features to come, like specifying versions
2009-09-21 18:27:48 +01:00

14 lines
324 B

require 'brewkit'
class Memcached <Formula
depends_on 'libevent'
def install
system "./configure --prefix='#{prefix}'"
system "make install"