mbcoguno 1b811dffb6 vim: Preliminary Python 3 support
Signed-off-by: Adam Vandenberg <flangy@gmail.com>

Closes Homebrew/homebrew#21366.
2013-11-13 20:23:19 -08:00

173 lines
6.6 KiB

require 'formula'
# Reference: https://github.com/b4winckler/macvim/wiki/building
class Macvim < Formula
homepage 'http://code.google.com/p/macvim/'
url 'https://github.com/b4winckler/macvim/archive/snapshot-72.tar.gz'
version '7.4-72'
sha1 '3fb5b09d7496c8031a40e7a73374424ef6c81166'
head 'https://github.com/b4winckler/macvim.git', :branch => 'master'
option "custom-icons", "Try to generate custom document icons"
option "override-system-vim", "Override system vim"
depends_on :xcode
depends_on 'cscope' => :recommended
depends_on 'lua' => :optional
depends_on 'luajit' => :optional
depends_on :python => :recommended
depends_on :python3 => :optional
env :std if MacOS.version <= :snow_leopard
# Help us! We'd like to use superenv in these environments too
def install
# MacVim doesn't have and required any Python package, unset PYTHONPATH.
# Set ARCHFLAGS so the Python app (with C extension) that is
# used to create the custom icons will not try to compile in
# PPC support (which isn't needed in Homebrew-supported systems.)
ENV['ARCHFLAGS'] = "-arch #{MacOS.preferred_arch}"
# If building for 10.7 or up, make sure that CC is set to "clang".
ENV.clang if MacOS.version >= :lion
# macvim HEAD only works with the current Ruby.framework because it builds with -framework Ruby
system_ruby = "/System/Library/Frameworks/Ruby.framework/Versions/Current/usr/bin/ruby"
args = %W[
args << "--with-macsdk=#{MacOS.version}" unless MacOS::CLT.installed?
args << "--enable-cscope" if build.with? "cscope"
if build.with? "lua"
args << "--enable-luainterp"
args << "--with-lua-prefix=#{HOMEBREW_PREFIX}"
if build.with? "luajit"
args << "--enable-luainterp"
args << "--with-lua-prefix=#{HOMEBREW_PREFIX}"
args << "--with-luajit"
if build.with? "python" and build.with? "python3"
args << "--enable-pythoninterp=dynamic" << "--enable-python3interp=dynamic"
args << "--enable-pythoninterp" if build.with? "python"
args << "--enable-python3interp" if build.with? "python3"
# MacVim seems to link Python by `-framework Python` (instead of
# `python-config --ldflags`) and so we have to pass the -F to point to
# where the Python.framework is located, we want it to use!
# Also the -L is needed for the correct linking. This is a mess but we have
# to wait until MacVim is really able to link against different Python's
# on the Mac. Note configure detects brewed python correctly, but that
# is ignored.
# See https://github.com/mxcl/homebrew/issues/17908
if python2 and python2.framework? and not build.with? "python3"
ENV.prepend 'LDFLAGS', "-L#{python2.libdir} -F#{python2.framework}"
unless MacOS::CLT.installed?
# On Xcode-only systems:
# Macvim cannot deal with "/Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer" as
# it is returned by `xcode-select -print-path` and already set by
# Homebrew (in superenv). Instead Macvim needs the deeper dir to directly
# append "SDKs/...".
args << "--with-developer-dir=#{MacOS::Xcode.prefix}/Platforms/MacOSX.platform/Developer/"
system "./configure", *args
if build.with? "python" and build.with? "python3"
# On 64-bit systems, we need to avoid a 32-bit Framework Python.
# MacVim doesn't check Python while compiling.
python do
if MacOS.prefer_64_bit? and python.framework? and not archs_for_command("#{python.prefix}/Python").include? :x86_64
opoo "Detected a framework Python that does not have 64-bit support in:"
puts <<-EOS.undent
Dynamic loading Python library required the same architecture.
Note that a framework Python in /Library/Frameworks/Python.framework is
the "MacPython" version, and not the system-provided version which is in:
# Help vim find Python's library as absolute path.
python do
inreplace 'src/auto/config.mk', /-DDYNAMIC_PYTHON#{python.if3then3}_DLL=\\".*\\"/, %Q[-DDYNAMIC_PYTHON#{python.if3then3}_DLL=\'\"#{python.prefix}/Python\"\'] if python.framework?
# Force vim loading different Python on same time, may cause vim crash.
unless python.brewed?
opoo "Your python isn't comes from Homebrew, you may see warning massage during brewing. That's OK. Because we can't detect what your Python is. We will force replace the string."
inreplace 'src/auto/config.h', "/* #undef PY_NO_RTLD_GLOBAL */", "#define PY_NO_RTLD_GLOBAL 1"
inreplace 'src/auto/config.h', "/* #undef PY3_NO_RTLD_GLOBAL */", "#define PY3_NO_RTLD_GLOBAL 1"
if build.include? "custom-icons"
# Get the custom font used by the icons
cd 'src/MacVim/icons' do
system "make getenvy"
# Building custom icons fails for many users, so off by default.
inreplace "src/MacVim/icons/Makefile", "$(MAKE) -C makeicns", ""
inreplace "src/MacVim/icons/make_icons.py", "dont_create = False", "dont_create = True"
system "make"
prefix.install "src/MacVim/build/Release/MacVim.app"
inreplace "src/MacVim/mvim", /^# VIM_APP_DIR=\/Applications$/,
bin.install "src/MacVim/mvim"
# Create MacVim vimdiff, view, ex equivalents
executables = %w[mvimdiff mview mvimex gvim gvimdiff gview gvimex]
executables += %w[vi vim vimdiff view vimex] if build.include? "override-system-vim"
executables.each {|f| ln_s bin+'mvim', bin+f}
def caveats
s = ''
s += <<-EOS.undent
MacVim.app installed to:
To link the application to a normal Mac OS X location:
brew linkapps
brew linkapps --local
if build.with? "python" and build.with? "python3"
s += <<-EOS.undent
This MacVim build with dynamic library Python 2 & 3.
Note that MacVim load dynamic Python 2 & 3 library with the same time
may crash MacVim. For more information, see:
return s