nibbles 2bits b08f9d4e4c mathgl 2.0.3 plus options
MathGL gets a major overhaul because it can do a lot more.

- Upgrade to 2.0.3
- By default enable glut, gsl, jpeg, png, pthread, pdf
- Disable python (refuses to find numpy)
- Disable octave interface (installs a tarball to ~/ocatave)
- Add a dep on jpeg to support our default image capability
- Add a dep on libharu to support our default pdf capability.
- Add a dep on cmake because it's the only builder now.
- Add an option to enable fltk widget and mglview using X11.
- Add an option to enable qt4 widget, udav, and mglview using Qt4.
- Add an option to enable wxWidgets widget
- Add an option to enable GIF support.
- Add an option to enable hdf5 support.
- Add optional deps for the above options.
- Remove a symlink in the source, ChangeLog, to fix install errors.
- Build OOS.
- Install the `mgl_example` files manually.
- Works well with superenv.

Closes Homebrew/homebrew#14799.

Signed-off-by: Mike McQuaid <mike@mikemcquaid.com>
2013-01-31 19:35:06 -08:00

58 lines
1.8 KiB

require 'formula'
class Mathgl < Formula
homepage 'http://mathgl.sourceforge.net/'
url 'http://sourceforge.net/projects/mathgl/files/mathgl/mathgl%202.0.3/mathgl-2.0.3.tar.gz'
sha1 'c032cf53de3f6d3d5e45f6ff9e26889617770f02'
option 'fltk', 'Build the fltk widget and mglview using X11'
option 'qt4', 'Build the Qt widget, the udav gui, and mglview using Qt4'
option 'wx', 'Build the wxWidget widget'
option 'gif', 'Build support for GIF'
option 'hdf5', 'Build support for hdf5'
depends_on 'cmake' => :build
depends_on 'gsl' => :recommended
depends_on 'jpeg' => :recommended
depends_on 'libharu' => :recommended
depends_on :libpng => :recommended
depends_on 'hdf5' if build.include? 'hdf5'
depends_on 'fltk' if build.include? 'fltk'
depends_on 'qt' if build.include? 'qt4'
depends_on 'wxmac' if build.include? 'wx'
depends_on 'giflib' if build.include? 'gif'
depends_on :x11 if build.include? 'fltk'
def install
args = std_cmake_args + %w[
args << '-Denable-qt=ON' if build.include? 'qt4'
args << '-Denable-gif=ON' if build.include? 'gif'
args << '-Denable-hdf5_18=ON' if build.include? 'hdf5'
args << '-Denable-fltk=ON' if build.include? 'fltk'
args << '-Denable-wx=ON' if build.include? 'wx'
args << '..'
rm 'ChangeLog' if File.exist? 'ChangeLog' # rm this problematic symlink.
mkdir 'brewery' do
system 'cmake', *args
system 'make install'
cd 'examples' do
bin.install Dir['mgl*_example']
def test
mktemp do
system "#{bin}/mgl_example"