Dominyk Tiller 781abee841 formulae: migrate patches (part 2)
madplay: migrate patch
makeicns: migrate patch
mp3info: migrate patch
mpack: migrate patch
newt: migrate patch
nvi: migrate patches
ogmtools: migrate patch
orbit: migrate patches
pdf2htmlex: reference secure link
pdksh: migrate patch
povray: migrate patches
proctools: migrate patches
pulseaudio: migrate patch
sbcl: migrate patches
swftools: migrate patch
tinyproxy: migrate patch
tinysvm: migrate patch
trafshow: migrate patches
uudeview: migrate patch
webfs: migrate patch
wordplay: migrate patch
xsane: migrate patch
2015-10-07 20:36:35 +01:00

46 lines
1.6 KiB

class Newt < Formula
desc "Library for color text mode, widget based user interfaces"
homepage "https://fedorahosted.org/newt/"
url "https://fedorahosted.org/releases/n/e/newt/newt-0.52.18.tar.gz"
sha256 "771b0e634ede56ae6a6acd910728bb5832ac13ddb0d1d27919d2498dab70c91e"
bottle do
cellar :any
sha1 "447b7cdf5ba5fb0be6bcaa80a9c30a5112071a87" => :yosemite
sha1 "07bcf73d646dd489d10d68ded6811aa5a7d5ea57" => :mavericks
sha1 "599600fa6e92c38dbaa7bb6e1138eda04a4c5bf1" => :mountain_lion
depends_on "gettext"
depends_on "popt"
depends_on "s-lang"
depends_on :python => :optional
# build dylibs with -dynamiclib; version libraries
# Patch via MacPorts
patch :p0 do
url "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/patches/0eb53878/newt/patch-Makefile.in.diff"
sha256 "6672c253b42696fdacd23424ae0e07af6d86313718e06cd44e40e532a892db16"
def install
args = ["--prefix=#{prefix}", "--without-tcl"]
args << "--without-python" if build.without? "python"
inreplace "Makefile.in" do |s|
# name libraries correctly
# https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1192285
s.gsub! "libnewt.$(SOEXT).$(SONAME)", "libnewt.$(SONAME).dylib"
s.gsub! "libnewt.$(SOEXT).$(VERSION)", "libnewt.$(VERSION).dylib"
# don't link to libpython.dylib
# causes https://github.com/Homebrew/homebrew/issues/30252
# https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1192286
s.gsub! "`$$pyconfig --ldflags`", '"-undefined dynamic_lookup"'
s.gsub! "`$$pyconfig --libs`", '""'
system "./configure", *args
system "make", "install"