Adam Vandenberg 8fd7ea234c Lua 5.1.4 patch-level 3
Also, mark lua as "not working with LLVM".

This is not strictly true, as Lua itself will compile with llvm,
but other software linking to lua (such as gnuplot) may then fail
to link.

So to be safe, flag Lua itself.
2011-03-18 21:18:15 -07:00

39 lines
1.3 KiB

require 'formula'
class Lua < Formula
url 'http://www.lua.org/ftp/lua-5.1.4.tar.gz'
homepage 'http://www.lua.org/'
md5 'd0870f2de55d59c1c8419f36e8fac150'
# Skip cleaning both empty folders and bin/libs so external symbols still work.
skip_clean :all
def install
fails_with_llvm "Lua itself compiles with llvm, but may fail when other software trys to link."
# Apply patch-level 2
curl "http://www.lua.org/ftp/patch-lua-5.1.4-3", "-O"
safe_system '/usr/bin/patch', '-d', 'src', '-i', '../patch-lua-5.1.4-3'
# we could use the patches method if it supported additional arguments (-d in our case)
# Use our CC/CFLAGS to compile.
inreplace 'src/Makefile' do |s|
s.remove_make_var! 'CC'
s.change_make_var! 'CFLAGS', "#{ENV.cflags} $(MYCFLAGS)"
# Fix path in the config header
inreplace 'src/luaconf.h', '/usr/local', HOMEBREW_PREFIX
# Fix paths in the .pc
inreplace 'etc/lua.pc' do |s|
s.gsub! "prefix= /usr/local", "prefix=#{HOMEBREW_PREFIX}"
s.gsub! "INSTALL_MAN= ${prefix}/man/man1", "INSTALL_MAN= ${prefix}/share/man/man1"
system "make", "macosx", "INSTALL_TOP=#{prefix}", "INSTALL_MAN=#{man1}"
system "make", "install", "INSTALL_TOP=#{prefix}", "INSTALL_MAN=#{man1}"
(lib+"pkgconfig").install 'etc/lua.pc'