When compiling MongoDB from source, it relies on 2 date functions which are not exported in the version of SpiderMonkey provided by Homebrew. Homebrew itself uses binary MongoDB installs, but we include this patch to allow manual compiles of MondoDB.
73 lines
2.7 KiB
73 lines
2.7 KiB
require 'formula'
class Spidermonkey <Formula
# There are no proper releases of spidermonkey, so pick a version that's known
# to work (especially with CouchDB), revision r35345.
url 'http://hg.mozilla.org/tracemonkey/archive/57a6ad20eae9.tar.gz'
homepage 'https://developer.mozilla.org/en/SpiderMonkey'
md5 '2d8cf22da82b30c36f47675a8486a3f3'
version '1.8.5'
depends_on 'readline'
depends_on 'nspr'
def patches
# Export date functions needed by manually-compiled MongoDB.
# Is it just me or is the version-to-version stable API of SpiderMonkey kind of a mess?
def install
if MACOS_VERSION == 10.5
# aparently this flag causes the build to fail for ivanvc on 10.5 with a
# penryn (core 2 duo) CPU. So lets be cautious here and remove it.
# It might not be need with newer spidermonkeys anymore tho.
ENV['CFLAGS'] = ENV['CFLAGS'].gsub(/-msse[^\s]+/, '')
# For some reason SpiderMonkey requires Autoconf-2.13
ac213_prefix = Pathname.pwd.join('ac213')
Autoconf213.new.brew do |f|
# probably no longer required, see issue #751
inreplace 'configure', 'for ac_prog in mawk gawk nawk awk', 'for ac_prog in awk'
system "./configure", "--disable-debug",
system "make install"
Dir.chdir "js/src" do
# Fixes a bug with linking against CoreFoundation. Tests all pass after
# building like this. See: http://openradar.appspot.com/7209349
inreplace "configure.in", "LDFLAGS=\"$LDFLAGS -framework Cocoa\"", ""
system "#{ac213_prefix}/bin/autoconf213"
# Remove the broken *(for anyone but FF) install_name
inreplace "config/rules.mk", "-install_name @executable_path/$(SHARED_LIBRARY) ", ""
FileUtils.mkdir "brew-build"
Dir.chdir "brew-build" do
system "../js/src/configure", "--prefix=#{prefix}",
inreplace "js-config", /JS_CONFIG_LIBS=.*?$/, "JS_CONFIG_LIBS=''"
# Can't do `make install` right off the bat sadly
system "make"
system "make install"
# The `js` binary ins't installed. Lets do that too, eh?
bin.install "shell/js"
class Autoconf213 <Formula
url 'http://ftp.gnu.org/pub/gnu/autoconf/autoconf-2.13.tar.gz'
md5 '9de56d4a161a723228220b0f425dc711'
homepage 'http://www.gnu.org/software/autoconf/'