Andrew Janke 1eaad995a5 audit fixes: E 01: ecm - ejabberd
Closes Homebrew/homebrew#45136.

Signed-off-by: Andrew Janke <andrew@apjanke.net>
2015-11-03 22:21:09 -05:00

59 lines
2.2 KiB

class Efl < Formula
desc "Libraries for the Enlightenment window manager"
homepage "https://www.enlightenment.org"
url "https://download.enlightenment.org/rel/libs/efl/efl-1.14.2.tar.gz"
sha256 "e5699d8183c1540fe45dddaf692254632f9131335e97a09cc313e866a150b42c"
bottle do
sha256 "783d8e344e04e4f36e624d403a312194c1e2868ffbea4dfab97fbbe167f58e48" => :yosemite
sha256 "7d2ad69ce6a98cdfd0c4867b8f302dcf1b5504eeec98a284d528e811084f0e39" => :mavericks
sha256 "c6e468a5f11395f2989f6001ddf8eb15232521dcba7f5131fa30b08bd57942de" => :mountain_lion
conflicts_with "eina", :because => "efl aggregates formerly distinct libs, one of which is eina"
conflicts_with "evas", :because => "efl aggregates formerly distinct libs, one of which is evas"
conflicts_with "eet", :because => "efl aggregates formerly distinct libs, one of which is eet"
conflicts_with "embryo", :because => "efl aggregates formerly distinct libs, one of which is embryo"
option "with-docs", "Install development libraries/headers and HTML docs"
depends_on "doxygen" => :build if build.with? "docs"
depends_on "pkg-config" => :build
depends_on :x11 => :optional
depends_on "openssl"
depends_on "freetype"
depends_on "fontconfig"
depends_on "jpeg"
depends_on "libpng"
depends_on "webp" => :optional
depends_on "luajit"
depends_on "fribidi"
depends_on "giflib"
depends_on "libtiff"
depends_on "gstreamer"
depends_on "gst-plugins-good"
depends_on "d-bus"
depends_on "pulseaudio"
depends_on "bullet"
needs :cxx11
def install
args = ["--disable-dependency-tracking",
"--enable-i-really-know-what-i-am-doing-and-that-this-will-probably-break-things-and-i-will-fix-them-myself-and-send-patches-aba", # There's currently (1.14) no clean profile for Mac OS, so we need to force passing configure
args << "--with-x11=none" if build.without? "x11"
system "./configure", *args
system "make", "install"
system "make", "install-doc" if build.with? "docs"
test do
system "#{bin}/edje_cc", "-V"