Jack Nagel 52270920c6 Add more autoconf deps where appropriate
Signed-off-by: Jack Nagel <jacknagel@gmail.com>
2012-05-15 16:38:16 -05:00

33 lines
1 KiB

require 'formula'
class Libagg < Formula
homepage 'http://www.antigrain.com'
url 'http://www.antigrain.com/agg-2.5.tar.gz'
md5 '0229a488bc47be10a2fee6cf0b2febd6'
depends_on "automake" => :build if MacOS.xcode_version >= "4.3"
depends_on 'pkg-config' => :build
depends_on 'sdl'
def install
ENV.x11 # For freetype
# No configure script. We need to run autoreconf, and aclocal and automake
# need some direction.
ENV['ACLOCAL'] = "aclocal -I#{HOMEBREW_PREFIX}/share/aclocal" # To find SDL m4 files
# This part snatched from MacPorts
ENV['AUTOMAKE'] = "automake --foreign --add-missing --ignore-deps"
system "autoreconf -fi"
system "./configure",
"--disable-platform", # Causes undefined symbols
"--disable-ctrl", # No need to run these during configuration
system "make install"