Adam Vandenberg 7570c95242 Allow Erlang to download from GitHub.
Erland has an official GitHub repository. Cloning this repository is
faster than downloading the official tarball, so we (ab)use head to
allow for this alternate download:
    brew install erlang --HEAD

Fixes Homebrew/homebrew#1179.
2010-04-19 12:20:13 -07:00

62 lines
2.1 KiB

require 'formula'
class ErlangManuals <Formula
url 'http://www.erlang.org/download/otp_doc_man_R13B04.tar.gz'
md5 '681aaef70affc64743f4e8c0675034af'
class Erlang <Formula
version 'R13B04'
url "http://erlang.org/download/otp_src_#{version}.tar.gz"
md5 'ca6da4921e438891967900aa6a084341'
# Use `brew install erlang --HEAD` to download from (faster than tarball) GitHub repo.
head "git://github.com/erlang/otp.git", :tag => "OTP_R13B04"
homepage 'http://www.erlang.org'
# we can't strip the beam executables or any plugins
# there isn't really anything else worth stripping and it takes a really
# long time to run `file` over everything in lib because there is almost
# 4000 files (and really erlang guys! what's with that?! Most of them should
# be in share/erlang!)
skip_clean 'lib'
# may as well skip this too, everything is just shell scripts
skip_clean 'bin'
def install
ENV.gcc_4_2 # see http://github.com/mxcl/homebrew/issues/#issue/120
# If building from GitHub, this step is required (but not for tarball downloads.)
system "./otp_build autoconf" if File.exist? "otp_build"
config_flags = ["--disable-debug",
unless ARGV.include? '--disable-hipe'
# HIPE doesn't strike me as that reliable on OS X
# http://syntatic.wordpress.com/2008/06/12/macports-erlang-bus-error-due-to-mac-os-x-1053-update/
# http://www.erlang.org/pipermail/erlang-patches/2008-September/000293.html
config_flags << '--enable-hipe'
if Hardware.is_64_bit? and MACOS_VERSION >= 10.6
config_flags << "--enable-darwin-64bit"
system "./configure", *config_flags
system "touch lib/wx/SKIP" if MACOS_VERSION >= 10.6
system "make"
system "make install"
ErlangManuals.new.brew { man.install Dir['man/*'] }
def test
"erl -noshell -eval 'crypto:start().' -s init stop"