147 lines
4.8 KiB
147 lines
4.8 KiB
class Gdal < Formula
desc "Geospatial Data Abstraction Library"
homepage "http://www.gdal.org/"
url "https://download.osgeo.org/gdal/2.2.4/gdal-2.2.4.tar.xz"
sha256 "441eb1d1acb35238ca43a1a0a649493fc91fdcbab231d0747e9d462eea192278"
revision 2
bottle do
sha256 "9c734fffc287c4ed453bc6d9d89d5d5431f979c2ec33466ee6bdf081c86db547" => :high_sierra
sha256 "71d31162f4c5a16893fc1f928441b6376bb8d765fbd01c7b6642a3f4f193869f" => :sierra
sha256 "6497b2e4720a4ffeda32ff7c49e2017c95c4e868bf2f11bf55903e9b02916f6c" => :el_capitan
head do
url "https://svn.osgeo.org/gdal/trunk/gdal"
depends_on "doxygen" => :build
option "with-complete", "Use additional Homebrew libraries to provide more drivers."
option "with-unsupported", "Allow configure to drag in any library it can find. Invoke this at your own risk."
deprecated_option "enable-unsupported" => "with-unsupported"
deprecated_option "complete" => "with-complete"
depends_on "freexl"
depends_on "geos"
depends_on "giflib"
depends_on "jpeg"
depends_on "json-c"
depends_on "libgeotiff"
depends_on "libpng"
depends_on "libpq"
depends_on "libspatialite"
depends_on "libtiff"
depends_on "libxml2"
depends_on "pcre"
depends_on "proj"
depends_on "sqlite" # To ensure compatibility with SpatiaLite
depends_on "mysql" => :optional
if build.with? "complete"
depends_on "cfitsio"
depends_on "epsilon"
depends_on "hdf5"
depends_on "jasper"
depends_on "json-c"
depends_on "libdap"
depends_on "libxml2"
depends_on "netcdf"
depends_on "podofo"
depends_on "poppler"
depends_on "unixodbc" # macOS version is not complete enough
depends_on "webp"
depends_on "xerces-c"
depends_on "xz" # get liblzma compression algorithm library from XZutils
def install
args = [
# Base configuration
# GDAL native backends
# Homebrew backends
# Explicitly disable some features
if build.with?("mysql")
args << "--with-mysql=#{Formula["mysql"].opt_prefix}/bin/mysql_config"
args << "--without-mysql"
# Optional Homebrew packages supporting additional formats
supported_backends = %w[liblzma cfitsio hdf5 netcdf jasper xerces odbc
dods-root epsilon webp podofo]
if build.with? "complete"
supported_backends.delete "liblzma"
args << "--with-liblzma=yes"
args.concat supported_backends.map { |b| "--with-" + b + "=" + HOMEBREW_PREFIX }
elsif build.without? "unsupported"
args.concat supported_backends.map { |b| "--without-" + b }
# Unsupported backends are either proprietary or have no compatible version
# in Homebrew. Podofo is disabled because Poppler provides the same
# functionality and then some.
unsupported_backends = %w[gta ogdi fme hdf4 openjpeg fgdb ecw kakadu mrsid
jp2mrsid mrsid_lidar msg oci ingres dwgdirect
idb sde podofo rasdaman sosi]
if build.without? "unsupported"
args.concat unsupported_backends.map { |b| "--without-" + b }
system "./configure", *args
system "make"
system "make", "install"
system "make", "man" if build.head?
# Force man installation dir: https://trac.osgeo.org/gdal/ticket/5092
system "make", "install-man", "INST_MAN=#{man}"
# Clean up any stray doxygen files
Dir.glob("#{bin}/*.dox") { |p| rm p }
test do
# basic tests to see if third-party dylibs are loading OK
system "#{bin}/gdalinfo", "--formats"
system "#{bin}/ogrinfo", "--formats"