Nathan Sutton daad0f3790 gvp 0.0.2 (new formula)
The tool modifies your GOPATH to point to a local .godeps/ directory so
that you can keep the dependencies of your project isolated there, it
also modifies GOBIN and PATH to include the new GOPATH/bin directory.

gvp is a companion tool to gpm, the Go Package Manager.
2014-03-17 10:28:25 +00:00

20 lines
950 B

require "formula"
class Gvp < Formula
homepage "https://github.com/pote/gvp"
url "https://github.com/pote/gvp/archive/v0.0.2.tar.gz"
sha1 "28cbdea4c579ae4119bfd0fa451f03cb0572b43b"
def install
system "./configure", "--prefix=#{prefix}"
system "make", "install"
test do
assert Kernel.system("gvp init"), "`gvp init` exited with a non-zero status"
assert File.directory?(".godeps"), "`gvp init` did not create the .godeps directory"
assert_equal `gvp in 'echo $GOPATH' | grep -v '>> Local GOPATH set.'`.chomp, "#{testpath/".godeps"}:#{testpath}", "`gvp in` did not change the GOPATH"
assert_equal `gvp in 'echo $GOBIN' | grep -v '>> Local GOPATH set.'`.chomp, "#{testpath/".godeps/bin"}:#{ENV["GOBIN"]}", "`gvp in` did not change the GOBIN"
assert_equal `gvp in 'echo $PATH' | grep -v '>> Local GOPATH set.'`.chomp, "#{testpath/".godeps/bin"}:#{ENV["PATH"]}", "`gvp in` did not change the PATH"