198 lines
7.8 KiB
198 lines
7.8 KiB
class Ffmpeg < Formula
desc "Play, record, convert, and stream audio and video"
homepage "https://ffmpeg.org/"
stable do
url "https://ffmpeg.org/releases/ffmpeg-3.3.2.tar.bz2"
sha256 "216900d5c0af9017bb8f76b0ad23f0ac53cf7fc618cf04b40d989bd99b088e6a"
depends_on "yasm" => :build
bottle do
sha256 "5a376b449da71f11aec2426ceab28c5797f429e8d1e29934541a7d57d4fed34f" => :sierra
sha256 "0d2fe136c30cc3a89746a1bfe67e4579766edda52f5f8f80b44aeafe0257e216" => :el_capitan
sha256 "57879c39bc53a7868ea5da360e4567c004062c581321a3707352151f12686768" => :yosemite
head do
url "https://github.com/FFmpeg/FFmpeg.git"
depends_on "nasm" => :build
option "with-chromaprint", "Enable the Chromaprint audio fingerprinting library"
option "with-fdk-aac", "Enable the Fraunhofer FDK AAC library"
option "with-libass", "Enable ASS/SSA subtitle format"
option "with-libsoxr", "Enable the soxr resample library"
option "with-libssh", "Enable SFTP protocol via libssh"
option "with-tesseract", "Enable the tesseract OCR engine"
option "with-libvidstab", "Enable vid.stab support for video stabilization"
option "with-opencore-amr", "Enable Opencore AMR NR/WB audio format"
option "with-openh264", "Enable OpenH264 library"
option "with-openjpeg", "Enable JPEG 2000 image format"
option "with-openssl", "Enable SSL support"
option "with-rtmpdump", "Enable RTMP protocol"
option "with-rubberband", "Enable rubberband library"
option "with-schroedinger", "Enable Dirac video format"
option "with-sdl2", "Enable FFplay media player"
option "with-snappy", "Enable Snappy library"
option "with-tools", "Enable additional FFmpeg tools"
option "with-webp", "Enable using libwebp to encode WEBP images"
option "with-x265", "Enable x265 encoder"
option "with-xz", "Enable decoding of LZMA-compressed TIFF files"
option "with-zeromq", "Enable using libzeromq to receive commands sent through a libzeromq client"
option "with-zimg", "Enable z.lib zimg library"
option "without-lame", "Disable MP3 encoder"
option "without-qtkit", "Disable deprecated QuickTime framework"
option "without-securetransport", "Disable use of SecureTransport"
option "without-x264", "Disable H.264 encoder"
option "without-xvid", "Disable Xvid MPEG-4 video encoder"
deprecated_option "with-ffplay" => "with-sdl2"
deprecated_option "with-sdl" => "with-sdl2"
deprecated_option "with-libtesseract" => "with-tesseract"
depends_on "pkg-config" => :build
depends_on "texi2html" => :build
depends_on "lame" => :recommended
depends_on "x264" => :recommended
depends_on "xvid" => :recommended
depends_on "chromaprint" => :optional
depends_on "fdk-aac" => :optional
depends_on "fontconfig" => :optional
depends_on "freetype" => :optional
depends_on "frei0r" => :optional
depends_on "game-music-emu" => :optional
depends_on "libass" => :optional
depends_on "libbluray" => :optional
depends_on "libbs2b" => :optional
depends_on "libcaca" => :optional
depends_on "libgsm" => :optional
depends_on "libmodplug" => :optional
depends_on "libsoxr" => :optional
depends_on "libssh" => :optional
depends_on "libvidstab" => :optional
depends_on "libvorbis" => :optional
depends_on "libvpx" => :optional
depends_on "opencore-amr" => :optional
depends_on "openh264" => :optional
depends_on "openjpeg" => :optional
depends_on "openssl" => :optional
depends_on "opus" => :optional
depends_on "rtmpdump" => :optional
depends_on "rubberband" => :optional
depends_on "schroedinger" => :optional
depends_on "sdl2" => :optional
depends_on "snappy" => :optional
depends_on "speex" => :optional
depends_on "tesseract" => :optional
depends_on "theora" => :optional
depends_on "two-lame" => :optional
depends_on "wavpack" => :optional
depends_on "webp" => :optional
depends_on "x265" => :optional
depends_on "xz" => :optional
depends_on "zeromq" => :optional
depends_on "zimg" => :optional
def install
args = %W[
args << "--disable-indev=qtkit" if build.without? "qtkit"
args << "--disable-securetransport" if build.without? "securetransport"
args << "--enable-chromaprint" if build.with? "chromaprint"
args << "--enable-ffplay" if build.with? "sdl2"
args << "--enable-frei0r" if build.with? "frei0r"
args << "--enable-libass" if build.with? "libass"
args << "--enable-libbluray" if build.with? "libbluray"
args << "--enable-libbs2b" if build.with? "libbs2b"
args << "--enable-libcaca" if build.with? "libcaca"
args << "--enable-libfdk-aac" if build.with? "fdk-aac"
args << "--enable-libfontconfig" if build.with? "fontconfig"
args << "--enable-libfreetype" if build.with? "freetype"
args << "--enable-libgme" if build.with? "game-music-emu"
args << "--enable-libgsm" if build.with? "libgsm"
args << "--enable-libmodplug" if build.with? "libmodplug"
args << "--enable-libmp3lame" if build.with? "lame"
args << "--enable-libopencore-amrnb" << "--enable-libopencore-amrwb" if build.with? "opencore-amr"
args << "--enable-libopenh264" if build.with? "openh264"
args << "--enable-libopus" if build.with? "opus"
args << "--enable-librtmp" if build.with? "rtmpdump"
args << "--enable-librubberband" if build.with? "rubberband"
args << "--enable-libschroedinger" if build.with? "schroedinger"
args << "--enable-libsnappy" if build.with? "snappy"
args << "--enable-libsoxr" if build.with? "libsoxr"
args << "--enable-libspeex" if build.with? "speex"
args << "--enable-libssh" if build.with? "libssh"
args << "--enable-libtesseract" if build.with? "tesseract"
args << "--enable-libtheora" if build.with? "theora"
args << "--enable-libtwolame" if build.with? "two-lame"
args << "--enable-libvidstab" if build.with? "libvidstab"
args << "--enable-libvorbis" if build.with? "libvorbis"
args << "--enable-libvpx" if build.with? "libvpx"
args << "--enable-libwavpack" if build.with? "wavpack"
args << "--enable-libwebp" if build.with? "webp"
args << "--enable-libx264" if build.with? "x264"
args << "--enable-libx265" if build.with? "x265"
args << "--enable-libxvid" if build.with? "xvid"
args << "--enable-libzimg" if build.with? "zimg"
args << "--enable-libzmq" if build.with? "zeromq"
args << "--enable-opencl" if MacOS.version > :lion
args << "--enable-openssl" if build.with? "openssl"
if build.with? "xz"
args << "--enable-lzma"
args << "--disable-lzma"
if build.with? "openjpeg"
args << "--enable-libopenjpeg"
args << "--disable-decoder=jpeg2000"
args << "--extra-cflags=" + `pkg-config --cflags libopenjp2`.chomp
# These librares are GPL-incompatible, and require ffmpeg be built with
# the "--enable-nonfree" flag, which produces unredistributable libraries
args << "--enable-nonfree" if build.with?("fdk-aac") || build.with?("openssl")
# A bug in a dispatch header on 10.10, included via CoreFoundation,
# prevents GCC from building VDA support.
# See: https://github.com/Homebrew/homebrew/issues/33741
if MacOS.version != :yosemite || ENV.compiler == :clang
args << "--enable-vda"
args << "--disable-vda"
system "./configure", *args
system "make", "install"
if build.with? "tools"
system "make", "alltools"
bin.install Dir["tools/*"].select { |f| File.executable? f }
test do
# Create an example mp4 file
mp4out = testpath/"video.mp4"
system bin/"ffmpeg", "-filter_complex", "testsrc=rate=1:duration=1", mp4out
assert mp4out.exist?