Felix Bünemann daf135377d trafficserver: Fix installation with INSTALL_BASE
trafficserver tries to install some perl modules into it's cellar, which
fails if the perl INSTALL_BASE is set through the PERL_MM_OPT env var
with the following error:

> Only one of PREFIX or INSTALL_BASE can be given.  Not both.

INSTALL_BASE is set in the environment variable PERL_MM_OPT if the user
has gone through the CPAN setup wizard and chose to install perl modules
to $HOME/perl5. This fix unsets the environment var, so that the perl
Makefile.pl can install into the PREFIX set to the cellar.

Closes Homebrew/homebrew#45091.

Signed-off-by: Baptiste Fontaine <batifon@yahoo.fr>
2015-10-18 12:29:50 +02:00

67 lines
2.4 KiB

class Trafficserver < Formula
desc "HTTP/1.1 compliant caching proxy server"
homepage "https://trafficserver.apache.org/"
url "https://www.apache.org/dyn/closer.cgi?path=trafficserver/trafficserver-6.0.0.tar.bz2"
mirror "https://archive.apache.org/dist/trafficserver/trafficserver-6.0.0.tar.bz2"
sha256 "1ef6a9ed1d53532bbe2c294d86d4103a0140e3f23a27970936366f1bc8feb3d1"
bottle do
sha256 "67a45246d9cfef8301555f98bccf98584e28a6bb32ae7016e3f6eae6410ef0da" => :el_capitan
sha256 "ae22dcdcefaa6341a501f3391ace5ca45b7e8df067018e080ada299231b266e5" => :yosemite
sha256 "a75ef91b7c51be895f40064f6b313b99475e99197d0c82e384cddabcdc848dba" => :mavericks
head do
url "https://github.com/apache/trafficserver.git"
depends_on "autoconf" => :build
depends_on "automake" => :build
depends_on "libtool" => :build
option "with-spdy", "Build with SPDY protocol support"
option "with-experimental-plugins", "Enable experimental plugins"
depends_on "openssl"
depends_on "pcre"
if build.with? "spdy"
depends_on "spdylay"
depends_on "pkg-config" => :build
needs :cxx11
def install
# Needed for correct ./configure detections.
# Needed for OpenSSL headers on Lion.
ENV.append_to_cflags "-Wno-deprecated-declarations"
# Fix lib/perl/Makefile.pl failing with:
# Only one of PREFIX or INSTALL_BASE can be given. Not both.
ENV.delete "PERL_MM_OPT"
system "autoreconf", "-fvi" if build.head?
args = [
args << "--enable-spdy" if build.with? "spdy"
args << "--enable-experimental-plugins" if build.with? "experimental-plugins"
system "./configure", *args
# Fix wrong username in the generated startup script for bottles.
inreplace "rc/trafficserver.in", "@pkgsysuser@", "$USER"
if build.with? "experimental-plugins"
# Disable mysql_remap plugin due to missing symbol compile error:
# https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/TS-3490
inreplace "plugins/experimental/Makefile", " mysql_remap", ""
system "make" if build.head?
system "make", "install"
test do
assert_match "Apache Traffic Server is not running.", shell_output("#{bin}/trafficserver status").chomp