Zearin 266f27171c calabash 1.1.0-95
The `-95` in the version is significant.  Calabash offers 2 releases—(`x.x.x-95`, and `x.x.x-96`)—each of which is built to run with a specific version of the `saxon` dependency.

Since Homebrew currently offers only the Saxon 9.5 dependency, that’s why this commit uses the `-95` suffix on the release.  If Homebrew ever offers Saxon 9.6, this formula should be updated accordingly.

Closes Homebrew/homebrew#39089.

Signed-off-by: Brett Koonce <koonce@gmail.com>
2015-04-26 23:32:43 -07:00

18 lines
589 B

class Calabash < Formula
homepage "http://xmlcalabash.com"
url "https://github.com/ndw/xmlcalabash1/releases/download/1.1.0-95/xmlcalabash-1.1.0-95.zip"
sha256 "d75a8699ec496fb854761d8e375015732ac51047aad5d7bec57ea3a5349feae7"
depends_on "saxon"
def install
libexec.install Dir["*"]
bin.write_jar_script libexec/"xmlcalabash-#{version}.jar", "calabash", "-Xmx1024m"
test do
# This small XML pipeline (*.xpl) that comes with Calabash
# is basically its equivalent "Hello World" program.
system "#{bin}/calabash", "#{libexec}/xpl/pipe.xpl"