Zhiming Wang efaf8b153e unar: fix description
unar is the command line version of the popular OS X unarchiving app The
Unarchiver. It supports dozens of formats (see full list at
https://unarchiver.c3.cx/formats). Definitely not limited to RAR. In
fact, supporting multiple formats is the main reason why unar is
insteresting when there are already canonical tools for each format,
e.g., 7z, gunzip, tar, unrar, unxz, unzip, etc.

Also fixed two minor audit problems along the way.

Closes #355.
2016-04-15 21:18:35 -07:00

49 lines
1.9 KiB

class Unar < Formula
desc "Command-line unarchiving tools supporting multiple formats"
homepage "https://unarchiver.c3.cx/commandline"
url "https://wakaba.c3.cx/releases/TheUnarchiver/unar1.9.1_src.zip"
version "1.9.1"
sha256 "28045fb688563c002b7c2807e80575d3f9af8eb024739f9ab836f681bb8e822c"
head "https://bitbucket.org/WAHa_06x36/theunarchiver", :using => :hg
bottle do
cellar :any
sha256 "3f0abeedfdc17860ef6f8f8406b34cc6fb2b334e13c3081d00fb7c2ef98f7cc1" => :el_capitan
sha256 "829f81a91ebb65385bb5b39944f40a8a6a3a900e4717ef00cf608fec2884e3d6" => :yosemite
depends_on :xcode => :build
def install
# Files in unar1.9.1_src.zip have "The Unarchiver" path prefix, but HEAD checkout does not.
# Build on some versions of Xcode will fail if there's whitespace in path, so workaround
# by moving things out of "The Unarchiver" folder.
unless build.head?
mv "./The Unarchiver/Extra", "."
mv "./The Unarchiver/UniversalDetector", "."
mv "./The Unarchiver/XADMaster", "."
# Build XADMaster.framework, unar and lsar
xcodebuild "-project", "./XADMaster/XADMaster.xcodeproj", "-target", "XADMaster", "SYMROOT=../", "-configuration", "Release"
xcodebuild "-project", "./XADMaster/XADMaster.xcodeproj", "-target", "unar", "SYMROOT=../", "-configuration", "Release"
xcodebuild "-project", "./XADMaster/XADMaster.xcodeproj", "-target", "lsar", "SYMROOT=../", "-configuration", "Release"
bin.install "./Release/unar", "./Release/lsar"
lib.install "./Release/libXADMaster.a"
frameworks.install "./Release/XADMaster.framework"
(include/"libXADMaster").install_symlink Dir["#{frameworks}/XADMaster.framework/Headers/*"]
cd "./Extra" do
man1.install "lsar.1", "unar.1"
bash_completion.install "unar.bash_completion", "lsar.bash_completion"
test do
system bin/"unar", "--version"
system bin/"lsar", "--version"