### Hypseus-singe ([Daphne](../../../systems/daphne)) | Button Combo | Action | | -- | -- | | ++"SELECT"+"START"++ | Quit Game | | ++"SELECT"++ | Coin | | ++"START"++ | Start | | ++"{{ btn_south }}"++ | Button 1 | | ++"{{ btn_east }}"++ | Button 2 | | ++"{{ btn_north }}"++ | Button 3 | #### Notes: * To add/change mapping you can edit `/storage/.config/game/configs/hypseus/hypinput.ini` under `[KEYBOARD]` section by changing third number for a function from `0` (disabled) to a corresponding joystick value. You can identify joystick values by running `jstest /dev/input/js0` over ssh. * For example the following would assign `quit` to ++"L1"++ and `pause` to ++"R1"++ ``` bash [KEYBOARD] KEY_QUIT = SDLK_ESCAPE 0 5 KEY_PAUSE = SDLK_p 0 6 ```