As the controls are highly dependent on the buttons available on a specific device hardware it makes sense to document them per device. To prevent to much redundancy we are using mkdocs-macros to define includes and variables which allows for a maximum of reuse. The new structure also makes it possible to only document emulators actually available on the device. This initial commit only implements complete documentation for Powkiddy RGB10 MAX 3, a minimal example is also added to AYN Loki Zero in order to demonstrate the use of variables.
238 lines
8.3 KiB
238 lines
8.3 KiB
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#- Bluetooth: configure/bluetooth.md
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- Systems:
#- systems/index.md
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#- systems/arcade/index.md
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- NEC SuperGrafx: systems/supergrafx.md
- NEC PC-FX: systems/pcfx.md
- Nintendo NES / Famicom: systems/nes.md
- Nintendo Famicom Disk System (FDS): systems/fds.md
- Nintendo Super Nintendo / Super Famicom: systems/snes.md
- Nintendo 64: systems/n64.md
- Nintendo Gamecube: systems/gamecube.md
- Nintendo Wii: systems/wii.md
- Nintendo Wii U: systems/wiiu.md
- Nintendo Switch: systems/switch.md
- Panasonic 3DO: systems/3do.md
- Philips Videopac: systems/videopac.md
- Sega SG-1000: systems/sg-1000.md
- Sega Master System: systems/mastersystem.md
- Sega Genesis / Megadrive: systems/genesis.md
- Sega CD / Mega CD: systems/segacd.md
- Sega 32X: systems/sega32x.md
- Sega Saturn: systems/saturn.md
- Sega Dreamcast: systems/dreamcast.md
- SNK Neo Geo: systems/neogeo.md
- SNK Neo Geo CD: systems/neogeocd.md
- Sony PlayStation: systems/psx.md
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- Sony PlayStation 3: systems/ps3.md
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- Vectrex: systems/vectrex.md
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- Arduboy: systems/arduboy.md
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- Nintendo 3DS: systems/3ds.md
- Sega Game Gear: systems/gamegear.md
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- Sony PlayStation Vita: systems/psvita.md
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- Computers:
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- Amstrad CPC: systems/amstradcpc.md
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- Commodore 128: systems/c128.md
- Commodore PET: systems/pet.md
- Commodore VIC-20: systems/vic20.md
- MSX: systems/msx.md
- MS-DOS: systems/pc.md
- NEC PC-88: systems/pc88.md
- NEC PC-98: systems/pc98.md
- Sharp X1: systems/x1.md
- Sharp X68000: systems/x68000.md
- Sinclair ZX81: systems/zx81.md
- Sinclair ZX Spectrum: systems/zxspectrum.md
- Engines:
- Build Engine: systems/build-engine.md
- Doom: systems/doom.md
- ECWolf: systems/ecwolf.md
- EasyRPG: systems/easyrpg.md
- Infocom Zmachine: systems/zmachine.md
- J2ME: systems/j2me.md
- Open Beats of Rage: systems/openbor.md
- Pico-8: systems/pico-8.md
- SCUMMVM: systems/scummvm.md
- TIC-80: systems/tic-80.md
- Other:
- Moonlight: systems/moonlight.md
- Media Player: systems/mplayer.md
- Music Player: systems/music.md
- Ports: systems/ports.md
- Devices:
- devices/index.md
- Anbernic:
- RG351 [P/M/V]: devices/anbernic/rg351pmv.md
- RG353 [P/M/V/VS]: devices/anbernic/rg353pmvvs.md
- RG503: devices/anbernic/rg503.md
- RG552: devices/anbernic/rg552.md
- Win600: devices/anbernic/win600.md
- A1 Pro: devices/aokzoe/a1-pro.md
- Atari:
- VCS: devices/atari/vcs.md
- Air / Air Pro: devices/ayaneo/air.md
- Air Plus: devices/ayaneo/air-plus.md
- AYANEO 2/2s: devices/ayaneo/ayaneo-2.md
- AYN:
- Loki Zero: devices/ayn/loki-zero.md
- Loki Max: devices/ayn/loki-max.md
- GPD:
- Win 4: devices/gpd/win4.md
- Win Max 2: devices/gpd/win-max-2.md
- Hardkernel:
- Odroid Go Advance: devices/hardkernel/odroid-go-advance.md
- Odroid Go Super: devices/hardkernel/odroid-go-super.md
- Odroid Go Ultra: devices/hardkernel/odroid-go-ultra.md
- Odroid N2/N2+/N2L: devices/hardkernel/odroid-n2.md
- Indiedroid:
- Nova: devices/indiedroid/nova.md
- Orange Pi:
- Orange Pi 5: devices/orange-pi/orange-pi-5.md
- Powkiddy:
- RGB10 Max 3 Pro: devices/powkiddy/rgb10-max-3-pro.md
- RGB30: devices/powkiddy/rgb30.md
- RK2023: devices/powkiddy/rk2023.md
- x55: devices/powkiddy/x55.md
- RGB10: devices/powkiddy/rgb10.md