# The Default Group Assigned to All Users DEFAULT_GROUP=Home # The Default Credentials for the Super User DEFAULT_EMAIL=changeme@email.com DEFAULT_PASSWORD=MyPassword # Determines Production Mode, This will set the directory path to use for data storage PRODUCTION=False # API Port for Python Server API_PORT=9000 # Exposes /docs and /redoc on the server API_DOCS=True # Sets the Database type to use. Note that in order for Postgres URI to be created, you must set DB_ENGINE=postgres DB_ENGINE=sqlite # Optional: 'sqlite', 'postgres' POSTGRES_USER=mealie POSTGRES_PASSWORD=mealie POSTGRES_SERVER=postgres POSTGRES_PORT=5432 POSTGRES_DB=mealie TOKEN_TIME=24 LANG=en-US # NOT USED # SMTP_HOST="" # SMTP_PORT="" # SMTP_FROM_NAME="" # SMTP_AUTH_STRATEGY="" # Options: 'TLS', 'SSL', 'NONE' # SMTP_FROM_EMAIL="" # SMTP_USER="" # SMTP_PASSWORD="" # Configuration for authentication via an external LDAP server LDAP_AUTH_ENABLED=False LDAP_SERVER_URL=None LDAP_TLS_INSECURE=False LDAP_TLS_CACERTFILE=None LDAP_BIND_TEMPLATE=None LDAP_BASE_DN=None LDAP_ADMIN_FILTER=None