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They offer many options for services to use for notifications. Refer to their wiki for a comprehensive guide on how to create the URL for your service. If available, selecting the type of your notification may include extra features.", "new-version": "New version available!", "notification": "通知", "refresh": "Refresh", "scheduled": "Scheduled", "something-went-wrong": "Something Went Wrong!", "subscribed-events": "Subscribed Events", "test-message-sent": "Test Message Sent" }, "general": { "cancel": "取消", "clear": "清空", "close": "关闭", "confirm": "确定", "confirm-delete-generic": "你确定要删除这个?", "copied": "已复制", "create": "创建", "created": "已创建", "custom": "自定义", "dashboard": "仪表盘", "delete": "删除", "disabled": "已禁用", "download": "下载", "edit": "编辑", "enabled": "启用", "exception": "异常", "failed-count": "失败: {count}", "failure-uploading-file": "文件上传失败", "favorites": "Favorites", "field-required": "必填", "file-folder-not-found": "未找到文件/文件夹", "file-uploaded": "文件已上传", "filter": "筛选", "friday": "星期五", "general": "General", "get": "Get", "home": "Home", "image": "Image", "image-upload-failed": "Image upload failed", "import": "导入", "json": "JSON", "keyword": "Keyword", "link-copied": "Link Copied", "loading-recipes": "Loading Recipes", "monday": "Monday", "name": "名称", "new": "New", "no": "否", "no-recipe-found": "No Recipe Found", "ok": "好的", "options": "Options:", "print": "Print", "random": "随机", "rating": "Rating", "recent": "最近", "recipe": "Recipe", "recipes": "食谱", "rename-object": "Rename {0}", "reset": "重置", "saturday": "Saturday", "save": "保存", "settings": "设定", "share": "Share", "shuffle": "Shuffle", "sort": "排序", "sort-alphabetically": "Alphabetical", "status": "Status", "submit": "提交", "success-count": "Success: {count}", "sunday": "Sunday", "templates": "Templates:", "test": "Test", "themes": "布景主题", "thursday": "Thursday", "token": "密钥", "tuesday": "Tuesday", "type": "Type", "update": "更新", "updated": "Updated", "upload": "上传", "url": "URL", "view": "View", "wednesday": "Wednesday", "yes": "是" }, "group": { "are-you-sure-you-want-to-delete-the-group": "Are you sure you want to delete {groupName}?", "cannot-delete-default-group": "Cannot delete default group", "cannot-delete-group-with-users": "Cannot delete group with users", "confirm-group-deletion": "Confirm Group Deletion", "create-group": "Create Group", "error-updating-group": "Error updating group", "group": "Group", "group-deleted": "Group deleted", "group-deletion-failed": "Group deletion failed", "group-id-with-value": "Group ID: {groupID}", "group-name": "Group Name", "group-not-found": "Group not found", "group-with-value": "Group: {groupID}", "groups": "群组", "manage-groups": "管理群组", "user-group": "用户群组", "user-group-created": "已创建用户群组", "user-group-creation-failed": "创建用户群组失败" }, "meal-plan": { "create-a-new-meal-plan": "创建一个新的用餐计划", "dinner-this-week": "本周晚餐", "dinner-today": "今日晚餐", "dinner-tonight": "DINNER TONIGHT", "edit-meal-plan": "编辑用餐计划", "end-date": "结束日期", "group": "Group (Beta)", "main": "Main", "meal-planner": "用餐计划", "meal-plans": "用餐计划", "mealplan-categories": "MEALPLAN CATEGORIES", "mealplan-created": "Mealplan created", "mealplan-creation-failed": "Mealplan creation failed", "mealplan-deleted": "Mealplan Deleted", "mealplan-deletion-failed": "Mealplan deletion failed", "mealplan-settings": "Mealplan Settings", "mealplan-update-failed": "Mealplan update failed", "mealplan-updated": "Mealplan Updated", "no-meal-plan-defined-yet": "No meal plan defined yet", "no-meal-planned-for-today": "No meal planned for today", "only-recipes-with-these-categories-will-be-used-in-meal-plans": "只有与这些类别相关的食谱才会被用于用餐计划", "planner": "策划人", "quick-week": "Quick Week", "side": "Side", "sides": "Sides", "start-date": "开始日期" }, "migration": { "chowdown": { "description": "从Chowdown迁移数据", "title": "Chowdown" }, "migration-data-removed": "已删除迁移数据", "nextcloud": { "description": "从Nextcloud Cookbook迁移数据", "title": "Nextcloud Cookbook" }, "no-migration-data-available": "没有迁移数据可用", "recipe-migration": "食谱迁移" }, "new-recipe": { "bulk-add": "批量添加", "error-details": "Only websites containing ld+json or microdata can be imported by Mealie. Most major recipe websites support this data structure. If your site cannot be imported but there is json data in the log, please submit a github issue with the URL and data.", "error-title": "Looks Like We Couldn't Find Anything", "from-url": "输入网址", "github-issues": "GitHub Issues", "google-ld-json-info": "Google ld+json Info", "must-be-a-valid-url": "Must be a Valid URL", "paste-in-your-recipe-data-each-line-will-be-treated-as-an-item-in-a-list": "请粘贴您的食谱资料。每行将被视为列表中的一项。", "recipe-markup-specification": "Recipe Markup Specification", "recipe-url": "食谱网址", "upload-a-recipe": "Upload a Recipe", "upload-individual-zip-file": "Upload an individual .zip file exported from another Mealie instance.", "url-form-hint": "从您最喜爱的食谱网站复制并粘贴链接", "view-scraped-data": "View Scraped Data" }, "page": { "404-page-not-found": "404 Page not found", "all-recipes": "全部食谱", "new-page-created": "新页面已创建", "page": "页面", "page-creation-failed": "创建页面失败", "page-deleted": "页面已删除", "page-deletion-failed": "删除页面失败", "page-update-failed": "更新页面失败", "page-updated": "页面已更新", "pages-update-failed": "更新页面失败", "pages-updated": "页面已更新" }, "recipe": { "add-key": "Add Key", "add-to-favorites": "Add to Favorites", "api-extras": "API Extras", "calories": "卡路里", "calories-suffix": "卡路里", "carbohydrate-content": "碳水化合物", "categories": "分类目录", "comment-action": "Comment", "comments": "Comments", "delete-confirmation": "您确定要删除此食谱吗?", "delete-recipe": "删除食谱", "description": "描述", "disable-amount": "Disable Ingredient Amounts", "disable-comments": "Disable Comments", "fat-content": "脂肪", "fiber-content": "纤维", "grams": "克", "ingredient": "材料", "ingredients": "材料", "insert-section": "Insert Section", "instructions": "做法", "key-name-required": "必须输入关键字", "landscape-view-coming-soon": "Landscape View (Coming Soon)", "milligrams": "毫克", "new-key-name": "New Key Name", "no-white-space-allowed": "不允许有空格", "note": "备注", "nutrition": "营养", "object-key": "Object Key", "object-value": "Object Value", "original-url": "原食谱链接", "perform-time": "烹饪时间", "prep-time": "准备时间", "protein-content": "蛋白质", "public-recipe": "公开配方", "recipe-created": "食谱已创建", "recipe-creation-failed": "创建食谱失败", "recipe-deleted": "食谱已删除", "recipe-image": "Recipe Image", "recipe-image-updated": "Recipe image updated", "recipe-name": "食谱名称", "recipe-settings": "Recipe Settings", "recipe-update-failed": "Recipe update failed", "recipe-updated": "Recipe updated", "remove-from-favorites": "Remove from Favorites", "remove-section": "Remove Section", "save-recipe-before-use": "Save recipe before use", "section-title": "Section Title", "servings": "份量", "share-recipe-message": "我想与你分享我的 {0} 配方。", "show-nutrition-values": "Show Nutrition Values", "sodium-content": "Sodium", "step-index": "步骤:{step}", "sugar-content": "Sugar", "title": "标题", "total-time": "总时间", "unable-to-delete-recipe": "Unable to Delete Recipe" }, "reicpe": { "no-recipe": "No Recipe" }, "search": { "advanced-search": "Advanced Search", "and": "and", "exclude": "排除", "include": "包括", "max-results": "最大结果", "or": "或", "results": "Results", "search": "搜索", "search-mealie": "Search Mealie (press /)", "search-placeholder": "搜索...", "tag-filter": "标签筛选" }, "settings": { "add-a-new-theme": "新增布景主题", "admin-settings": "管理设置", "backup": { "backup-created-at-response-export_path": "Backup Created at {path}", "backup-deleted": "Backup deleted", "backup-tag": "标签备份", "create-heading": "创建备份", "delete-backup": "Delete Backup", "error-creating-backup-see-log-file": "Error Creating Backup. See Log File", "full-backup": "完整备份", "import-summary": "Import Summary", "partial-backup": "部分备份", "unable-to-delete-backup": "Unable to Delete Backup." }, "backup-and-exports": "备份", "change-password": "更改密码", "current": "版本号:", "custom-pages": "自定义页面", "edit-page": "编辑页面", "events": "Events", "first-day-of-week": "First day of the week", "group-settings-updated": "Group Settings Updated", "homepage": { "all-categories": "所有分类", "card-per-section": "Card的部分", "home-page": "主页", "home-page-sections": "主页部分", "show-recent": "显示最近更新" }, "language": "语言", "latest": "最新版本", "local-api": "本地API", "locale-settings": "Locale settings", "migrations": "迁移", "new-page": "新建页面", "notify": "Notify", "organize": "Organize", "page-name": "页面名称", "pages": "Pages", "profile": "用户信息", "remove-existing-entries-matching-imported-entries": "Remove existing entries matching imported entries", "set-new-time": "设定新的时间", "settings-update-failed": "Settings update failed", "settings-updated": "Settings updated", "site-settings": "网站设置", "theme": { "accent": "Accent(强调)", "dark": "深色", "default-to-system": "默认为系统", "error": "Error(错误)", "error-creating-theme-see-log-file": "Error creating theme. See log file.", "error-deleting-theme": "Error deleting theme", "error-updating-theme": "Error updating theme", "info": "Info(信息)", "light": "浅色", "primary": "Primary(主要)", "secondary": "Secondary(次要)", "success": "Success(成功)", "switch-to-dark-mode": "切换暗色主题", "switch-to-light-mode": "切换到亮色模式", "theme-deleted": "Theme deleted", "theme-name": "主题名称", "theme-name-is-required": "主题名称是必填项。", "theme-saved": "Theme Saved", "theme-updated": "主题已更新", "warning": "Warning(警告)" }, "token": { "active-tokens": "ACTIVE TOKENS", "api-token": "API Token", "api-tokens": "API Tokens", "copy-this-token-for-use-with-an-external-application-this-token-will-not-be-viewable-again": "Copy this token for use with an external application. This token will not be viewable again.", "create-an-api-token": "Create an API Token", "token-name": "Token Name" }, "toolbox": { "assign-all": "Assign All", "bulk-assign": "Bulk Assign", "new-name": "New Name", "no-unused-items": "No Unused Items", "recipes-affected": "No Recipes Affected|One Recipe Affected|{count} Recipes Affected", "remove-unused": "Remove Unused", "title-case-all": "Title Case All", "toolbox": "Toolbox", "unorganized": "Unorganized" }, "webhooks": { "test-webhooks": "测试Webhooks", "the-urls-listed-below-will-recieve-webhooks-containing-the-recipe-data-for-the-meal-plan-on-its-scheduled-day-currently-webhooks-will-execute-at": "下方列出的网址将在预定日期接收到有关用餐计划的食谱资料。Webhooks执行将在", "webhook-url": "Webhook网址", "webhooks-caps": "WEBHOOKS" } }, "shopping-list": { "all-lists": "All Lists", "create-shopping-list": "Create Shopping List", "from-recipe": "From Recipe", "list-name": "List Name", "new-list": "New List", "quantity": "Quantity: {0}", "shopping-list": "Shopping List", "shopping-lists": "Shopping Lists" }, "sidebar": { "all-recipes": "All Recipes", "categories": "Categories", "dashboard": "Dashboard", "home-page": "Home Page", "manage-users": "Manage Users", "migrations": "Migrations", "profile": "Profile", "search": "Search", "site-settings": "Site Settings", "tags": "Tags", "toolbox": "Toolbox" }, "signup": { "error-signing-up": "Error Signing Up", "sign-up": "Sign Up", "sign-up-link-created": "Sign up link created", "sign-up-link-creation-failed": "Sign up link creation failed", "sign-up-links": "Sign Up Links", "sign-up-token-deleted": "Sign Up Token Deleted", "sign-up-token-deletion-failed": "Sign up token deletion failed", "welcome-to-mealie": "Welcome to Mealie! To become a user of this instance you are required to have a valid invitation link. If you haven't recieved an invitation you are unable to sign-up. To recieve a link, contact the sites administrator." }, "tag": { "tag-created": "Tag created", "tag-creation-failed": "Tag creation failed", "tag-deleted": "Tag deleted", "tag-deletion-failed": "Tag deletion failed", "tag-update-failed": "Tag update failed", "tag-updated": "Tag updated", "tags": "Tags", "untagged-count": "Untagged {count}" }, "user": { "admin": "管理员", "are-you-sure-you-want-to-delete-the-link": "您确定要删除链接{link}吗?", "are-you-sure-you-want-to-delete-the-user": "您确定要删除用户 {activeName} ID:{activeId} 吗?", "confirm-link-deletion": "确认删除链接", "confirm-password": "确认密码", "confirm-user-deletion": "确认删除用户", "could-not-validate-credentials": "无法验证", "create-link": "生成链接", "create-user": "创建用户", "current-password": "当前密码", "e-mail-must-be-valid": "电子邮件必须有效", "edit-user": "编辑用户", "email": "电子邮件", "error-cannot-delete-super-user": "Error! Cannot Delete Super User", "existing-password-does-not-match": "Existing password does not match", "full-name": "全名", "link-id": "链接ID", "link-name": "链接名", "login": "登录", "logout": "登出", "manage-users": "Manage Users", "new-password": "新密码", "new-user": "新建用户", "password": "密码", "password-has-been-reset-to-the-default-password": "Password has been reset to the default password", "password-must-match": "密码必须一致", "password-reset-failed": "Password reset failed", "password-updated": "Password updated", "reset-password": "重置密码", "sign-in": "登入", "total-mealplans": "总用餐计划", "total-users": "用户总数", "upload-photo": "上传照片", "use-8-characters-or-more-for-your-password": "请设置密码字符为8个或更多", "user": "User", "user-created": "User created", "user-creation-failed": "User creation failed", "user-deleted": "User deleted", "user-id": "用户ID", "user-id-with-value": "用户ID: {id}", "user-password": "用户密码", "user-successfully-logged-in": "User Successfully Logged In", "user-update-failed": "User update failed", "user-updated": "User updated", "username": "Username", "users": "用户", "users-header": "USERS", "webhook-time": "Webhook时间", "webhooks-enabled": "Webhooks 启用", "you-are-not-allowed-to-create-a-user": "You are not allowed to create a user", "you-are-not-allowed-to-delete-this-user": "You are not allowed to delete this user" } }