# The Default Group Assigned to All Users DEFAULT_GROUP=Home # The Default Credentials for the Super User DEFAULT_EMAIL=changeme@email.com DEFAULT_PASSWORD=MyPassword # Determines Production Mode, This will set the directory path to use for data storage PRODUCTION=False # API Port for Pythong Server API_PORT=9000 # Exposes /docs and /redoc on the server API_DOCS=True # Sets the Database type to use. Currently the only supported options is 'sqlite' DB_TYPE=sqlite # Sets the token expiration time in hours. TOKEN_TIME=24 # NOT USED SFTP_USERNAME=None SFTP_PASSWORD=None # NOT USED Auto Import Options AUTO_IMPORT=True AUTO_IMPORT_RECIPES=True AUTO_IMPORT_SETTINGS=True AUTO_IMPORT_PAGES=True AUTO_IMPORT_THEMES=True AUTO_IMPORT_USERS=True AUTO_IMPORT_GROUPS=True