{{ $t("general.confirm-delete-generic") }}
Restoring this backup will overwrite all the current data in your database and in the data directory and
replace them with the contents of this backup. This action cannot be undone - use with caution. If
the restoration is successful, you will be logged out.
{{ $globals.icons.database }}
Restore Backup
{{ selected.name }}
Backups a total snapshots of the database and data directory of the site. This includes all data and cannot
be set to exclude subsets of data. You can think off this as a snapshot of Mealie at a specific time.
Currently, this backup mechanism is not cross-version and therefore cannot be used to migrate data between
versions (data migrations are not done automatically). These serve as a database agnostic way to export and
import data or backup the site to an external location.
{{ $t("settings.backup.create-heading") }}
{{ $d(Date.parse(item.date), "medium") }}
{{ $globals.icons.delete }}
Looking For Migrations?