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They offer many options for services to use for notifications. Refer to their wiki for a comprehensive guide on how to create the URL for your service. If available, selecting the type of your notification may include extra features.", "notification": "Notification", "scheduled": "Scheduled", "something-went-wrong": "Something Went Wrong!", "subscribed-events": "Subscribed Events", "test-message-sent": "Test Message Sent" }, "general": { "apply": "Apply", "cancel": "Cancel", "clear": "Clear", "close": "Close", "confirm": "Confirm", "create": "Create", "created": "Created", "coppied": "Coppied", "current-parenthesis": "(Current)", "custom": "Custom", "dashboard": "Dashboard", "delete": "Delete", "disabled": "Disabled", "download": "Download", "edit": "Edit", "enabled": "Enabled", "exception": "Exception", "failed-count": "Failed: {count}", "failure-uploading-file": "Failure uploading file", "field-required": "Field Required", "file-folder-not-found": "File/folder not found", "file-uploaded": "File uploaded", "filter": "Filter", "friday": "Friday", "general": "General", "get": "Get", "image": "Image", "image-upload-failed": "Image upload failed", "import": "Import", "keyword": "Keyword", "link": "Link", "monday": "Monday", "name": "Name", "new": "New", "no": "No", "ok": "OK", "options": "Options:", "print": "Print", "random": "Random", "rating": "Rating", "recent": "Recent", "recipe": "Recipe", "recipes": "Recipes", "rename-object": "Rename {0}", "reset": "Reset", "saturday": "Saturday", "save": "Save", "settings": "Settings", "shuffle": "Shuffle", "sort": "Sort", "sort-alphabetically": "Alphabetical", "status": "Status", "submit": "Submit", "success-count": "Success: {count}", "sunday": "Sunday", "templates": "Templates:", "test": "Test", "themes": "Themes", "thursday": "Thursday", "token": "Token", "tuesday": "Tuesday", "type": "Type", "update": "Update", "updated": "Updated", "upload": "Upload", "url": "URL", "wednesday": "Wednesday", "yes": "Yes" }, "group": { "are-you-sure-you-want-to-delete-the-group": "Are you sure you want to delete {groupName}?", "cannot-delete-default-group": "Cannot delete default group", "cannot-delete-group-with-users": "Cannot delete group with users", "confirm-group-deletion": "Confirm Group Deletion", "create-group": "Create Group", "error-updating-group": "Error updating group", "group": "Group", "group-deleted": "Group deleted", "group-deletion-failed": "Group deletion failed", "group-id-with-value": "Group ID: {groupID}", "group-name": "Group Name", "group-not-found": "Group not found", "groups": "Groups", "groups-can-only-be-set-by-administrators": "Groups can only be set by administrators", "manage-groups": "Manage Groups", "user-group": "User Group", "user-group-created": "User Group Created", "user-group-creation-failed": "User Group Creation Failed" }, "meal-plan": { "create-a-new-meal-plan": "Create a New Meal Plan", "dinner-this-week": "Dinner This Week", "dinner-today": "Dinner Today", "dinner-tonight": "DINNER TONIGHT", "edit-meal-plan": "Edit Meal Plan", "end-date": "End Date", "group": "Group (Beta)", "meal-planner": "Meal Planner", "meal-plans": "Meal Plans", "mealplan-categories": "MEALPLAN CATEGORIES", "mealplan-created": "Mealplan created", "mealplan-creation-failed": "Mealplan creation failed", "mealplan-deleted": "Mealplan Deleted", "mealplan-deletion-failed": "Mealplan deletion failed", "mealplan-settings": "Mealplan Settings", "mealplan-update-failed": "Mealplan update failed", "mealplan-updated": "Mealplan Updated", "no-meal-plan-defined-yet": "No meal plan defined yet", "no-meal-planned-for-today": "No meal planned for today", "only-recipes-with-these-categories-will-be-used-in-meal-plans": "Only recipes with these categories will be used in Meal Plans", "planner": "Planner", "quick-week": "Quick Week", "shopping-list": "Shopping List", "start-date": "Start Date" }, "migration": { "chowdown": { "description": "Migrate data from Chowdown", "title": "Chowdown" }, "migration-data-removed": "Migration data removed", "nextcloud": { "description": "Migrate data from a Nextcloud Cookbook instance", "title": "Nextcloud Cookbook" }, "no-migration-data-available": "No Migration Data Available", "recipe-migration": "Recipe Migration" }, "new-recipe": { "bulk-add": "Bulk Add", "error-message": "Looks like there was an error parsing the URL. Check the log and debug/last_recipe.json to see what went wrong.", "from-url": "Import a Recipe", "paste-in-your-recipe-data-each-line-will-be-treated-as-an-item-in-a-list": "Paste in your recipe data. Each line will be treated as an item in a list", "recipe-url": "Recipe URL", "url-form-hint": "Copy and paste a link from your favorite recipe website" }, "page": { "all-recipes": "All Recipes", "home-page": "Home Page", "new-page-created": "New page created", "page-creation-failed": "Page creation failed", "page-deleted": "Page deleted", "page-deletion-failed": "Page deletion failed", "page-update-failed": "Page update failed", "page-updated": "Page updated", "pages-update-failed": "Pages update failed", "pages-updated": "Pages updated", "recent": "Recent" }, "recipe": { "add-key": "Add Key", "api-extras": "API Extras", "assets": "Assets", "calories": "Calories", "calories-suffix": "calories", "carbohydrate-content": "Carbohydrate", "categories": "Categories", "delete-confirmation": "Are you sure you want to delete this recipe?", "delete-recipe": "Delete Recipe", "description": "Description", "fat-content": "Fat", "fiber-content": "Fiber", "grams": "grams", "ingredient": "Ingredient", "ingredients": "Ingredients", "instructions": "Instructions", "key-name-required": "Key Name Required", "landscape-view-coming-soon": "Landscape View (Coming Soon)", "milligrams": "milligrams", "new-asset": "New Asset", "new-key-name": "New Key Name", "no-white-space-allowed": "No White Space Allowed", "note": "Note", "notes": "Notes", "nutrition": "Nutrition", "object-key": "Object Key", "object-value": "Object Value", "original-url": "Original URL", "perform-time": "Cook Time", "prep-time": "Prep Time", "protein-content": "Protein", "public-recipe": "Public Recipe", "recipe-created": "Recipe created", "recipe-creation-failed": "Recipe creation failed", "recipe-deleted": "Recipe deleted", "recipe-image": "Recipe Image", "recipe-image-updated": "Recipe image updated", "recipe-name": "Recipe Name", "recipe-settings": "Recipe Settings", "recipe-update-failed": "Recipe update failed", "recipe-updated": "Recipe updated", "servings": "Servings", "show-assets": "Show Assets", "show-nutrition-values": "Show Nutrition Values", "sodium-content": "Sodium", "step-index": "Step: {step}", "sugar-content": "Sugar", "title": "Title", "total-time": "Total Time", "unable-to-delete-recipe": "Unable to Delete Recipe", "view-recipe": "View Recipe" }, "search": { "and": "and", "exclude": "Exclude", "include": "Include", "max-results": "Max Results", "or": "Or", "search": "Search", "search-mealie": "Search Mealie (press /)", "search-placeholder": "Search...", "tag-filter": "Tag Filter" }, "settings": { "add-a-new-theme": "Add a New Theme", "admin-settings": "Admin Settings", "available-backups": "Available Backups", "backup": { "backup-created-at-response-export_path": "Backup Created at {path}", "backup-deleted": "Backup deleted", "backup-tag": "Backup Tag", "create-heading": "Create a Backup", "error-creating-backup-see-log-file": "Error Creating Backup. See Log File", "full-backup": "Full Backup", "import-summary": "Import Summary", "partial-backup": "Partial Backup", "unable-to-delete-backup": "Unable to Delete Backup." }, "backup-and-exports": "Backups", "backup-info": "Backups are exported in standard JSON format along with all the images stored on the file system. In your backup folder you'll find a .zip file that contains all of the recipe JSON and images from the database. Additionally, if you selected a markdown file, those will also be stored in the .zip file. To import a backup, it must be located in your backups folder. Automated backups are done each day at 3:00 AM.", "change-password": "Change Password", "current": "Version:", "custom-pages": "Custom Pages", "edit-page": "Edit Page", "events": "Events", "first-day-of-week": "First day of the week", "group-settings-updated": "Group Settings Updated", "homepage": { "all-categories": "All Categories", "card-per-section": "Card Per Section", "home-page": "Home Page", "home-page-sections": "Home Page Sections", "show-recent": "Show Recent" }, "language": "Language", "latest": "Latest", "local-api": "Local API", "locale-settings": "Locale settings", "migrations": "Migrations", "new-page": "New Page", "notify": "Notify", "organize": "Organize", "page-name": "Page Name", "pages": "Pages", "profile": "Profile", "remove-existing-entries-matching-imported-entries": "Remove existing entries matching imported entries", "set-new-time": "Set New Time", "settings-update-failed": "Settings update failed", "settings-updated": "Settings updated", "site-settings": "Site Settings", "theme": { "accent": "Accent", "are-you-sure-you-want-to-delete-this-theme": "Are you sure you want to delete this theme?", "choose-how-mealie-looks-to-you-set-your-theme-preference-to-follow-your-system-settings-or-choose-to-use-the-light-or-dark-theme": "Choose how Mealie looks to you. Set your theme preference to follow your system settings, or choose to use the light or dark theme.", "dark": "Dark", "dark-mode": "Dark Mode", "default-to-system": "Default to system", "delete-theme": "Delete Theme", "error": "Error", "error-creating-theme-see-log-file": "Error creating theme. See log file.", "error-deleting-theme": "Error deleting theme", "error-updating-theme": "Error updating theme", "info": "Info", "light": "Light", "primary": "Primary", "secondary": "Secondary", "select-a-theme-from-the-dropdown-or-create-a-new-theme-note-that-the-default-theme-will-be-served-to-all-users-who-have-not-set-a-theme-preference": "Select a theme from the dropdown or create a new theme. Note that the default theme will be served to all users who have not set a theme preference.", "success": "Success", "theme": "Theme", "theme-deleted": "Theme deleted", "theme-name": "Theme Name", "theme-name-is-required": "Theme Name is required.", "theme-saved": "Theme Saved", "theme-settings": "Theme Settings", "theme-updated": "Theme updated", "warning": "Warning" }, "token": { "active-tokens": "ACTIVE TOKENS", "api-token": "API Token", "api-tokens": "API Tokens", "copy-this-token-for-use-with-an-external-application-this-token-will-not-be-viewable-again": "Copy this token for use with an external application. This token will not be viewable again.", "create-an-api-token": "Create an API Token", "token-name": "Token Name" }, "toolbox": { "assign-all": "Assign All", "bulk-assign": "Bulk Assign", "new-name": "New Name", "no-unused-items": "No Unused Items", "recipes-affected": "No Recipes Affected|One Recipe Affected|{count} Recipes Affected", "remove-unused": "Remove Unused", "title-case-all": "Title Case All", "toolbox": "Toolbox" }, "webhooks": { "meal-planner-webhooks": "Meal Planner Webhooks", "test-webhooks": "Test Webhooks", "the-urls-listed-below-will-recieve-webhooks-containing-the-recipe-data-for-the-meal-plan-on-its-scheduled-day-currently-webhooks-will-execute-at": "The URLs listed below will receive webhooks containing the recipe data for the meal plan on it's scheduled day. Currently Webhooks will execute at", "webhook-url": "Webhook URL", "webhooks-caps": "WEBHOOKS" } }, "signup": { "display-name": "Display Name", "error-signing-up": "Error Signing Up", "sign-up": "Sign Up", "sign-up-link-created": "Sign up link created", "sign-up-link-creation-failed": "Sign up link creation failed", "sign-up-links": "Sign Up Links", "sign-up-token-deleted": "Sign Up Token Deleted", "sign-up-token-deletion-failed": "Sign up token deletion failed", "welcome-to-mealie": "Welcome to Mealie! To become a user of this instance you are required to have a valid invitation link. If you haven't recieved an invitation you are unable to sign-up. To recieve a link, contact the sites administrator." }, "tag": { "tag-created": "Tag created", "tag-creation-failed": "Tag creation failed", "tag-deleted": "Tag deleted", "tag-deletion-failed": "Tag deletion failed", "tag-update-failed": "Tag update failed", "tag-updated": "Tag updated", "tags": "Tags", "untagged-count": "Untagged {count}" }, "user": { "admin": "Admin", "are-you-sure-you-want-to-delete-the-link": "Are you sure you want to delete the link {link}?", "are-you-sure-you-want-to-delete-the-user": "Are you sure you want to delete the user {activeName} ID: {activeId}?", "confirm-link-deletion": "Confirm Link Deletion", "confirm-password": "Confirm Password", "confirm-user-deletion": "Confirm User Deletion", "could-not-validate-credentials": "Could Not Validate Credentials", "create-link": "Create Link", "create-user": "Create User", "current-password": "Current Password", "e-mail-must-be-valid": "E-mail must be valid", "edit-user": "Edit User", "email": "Email", "error-cannot-delete-super-user": "Error! Cannot Delete Super User", "existing-password-does-not-match": "Existing password does not match", "full-name": "Full Name", "incorrect-username-or-password": "Incorrect username or password", "link-id": "Link ID", "link-name": "Link Name", "login": "Login", "logout": "Logout", "manage-users": "Manage Users", "new-password": "New Password", "new-user": "New User", "password": "Password", "password-has-been-reset-to-the-default-password": "Password has been reset to the default password", "password-must-match": "Password must match", "password-reset-failed": "Password reset failed", "password-updated": "Password updated", "reset-password": "Reset Password", "sign-in": "Sign in", "total-mealplans": "Total MealPlans", "total-users": "Total Users", "upload-photo": "Upload Photo", "use-8-characters-or-more-for-your-password": "Use 8 characters or more for your password", "user": "User", "user-created": "User created", "user-creation-failed": "User creation failed", "user-deleted": "User deleted", "user-id": "User ID", "user-id-with-value": "User ID: {id}", "user-password": "User Password", "user-successfully-logged-in": "User Successfully Logged In", "user-update-failed": "User update failed", "user-updated": "User updated", "users": "Users", "webhook-time": "Webhook Time", "webhooks-enabled": "Webhooks Enabled", "you-are-not-allowed-to-create-a-user": "You are not allowed to create a user", "you-are-not-allowed-to-delete-this-user": "You are not allowed to delete this user" } }