* feat: ✨ * fix colors * add additional support for settings meal tag * add defaults to recipe * use group reciep settings * fix login infinite loading * disable owner on initial load * add skeleton loader * add v-model support * formatting * fix overwriting existing values * feat(frontend): ✨ add markdown preview for steps * update black plus formatting * update help text * fix overwrite error * remove print Co-authored-by: hay-kot <hay-kot@pm.me>
214 lines
5.8 KiB
214 lines
5.8 KiB
import json
import re
from enum import Enum
from itertools import groupby
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Optional
from fastapi import FastAPI
from humps import camelize
from jinja2 import Template
from pydantic import BaseModel, Field
from slugify import slugify
from mealie.app import app
CWD = Path(__file__).parent
OUT_DIR = CWD / "output"
TEMPLATES_DIR = CWD / "templates"
JS_DIR = OUT_DIR / "javascriptAPI"
JS_DIR.mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True)
class RouteObject:
def __init__(self, route_string) -> None:
self.prefix = "/" + route_string.split("/")[1]
self.route = "/" + route_string.split("/", 2)[2]
self.js_route = self.route.replace("{", "${")
self.parts = route_string.split("/")[1:]
self.var = re.findall(r"\{(.*?)\}", route_string)
self.is_function = "{" in self.route
self.router_slug = slugify("_".join(self.parts[1:]), separator="_")
self.router_camel = camelize(self.router_slug)
class RequestType(str, Enum):
get = "get"
put = "put"
post = "post"
patch = "patch"
delete = "delete"
class ParameterIn(str, Enum):
query = "query"
path = "path"
class RouterParameter(BaseModel):
required: bool = False
name: str
location: ParameterIn = Field(..., alias="in")
class RequestBody(BaseModel):
required: bool = False
class HTTPRequest(BaseModel):
request_type: RequestType
description: str = ""
summary: str
requestBody: Optional[RequestBody]
parameters: list[RouterParameter] = []
tags: list[str]
def list_as_js_object_string(self, parameters, braces=True):
if len(parameters) == 0:
return ""
if braces:
return "{" + ", ".join(parameters) + "}"
return ", ".join(parameters)
def payload(self):
return "payload" if self.requestBody else ""
def function_args(self):
all_params = [p.name for p in self.parameters]
if self.requestBody:
return self.list_as_js_object_string(all_params)
def query_params(self):
params = [param.name for param in self.parameters if param.location == ParameterIn.query]
return self.list_as_js_object_string(params)
def path_params(self):
params = [param.name for param in self.parameters if param.location == ParameterIn.path]
return self.list_as_js_object_string(parameters=params, braces=False)
def summary_camel(self):
return camelize(slugify(self.summary))
def js_docs(self):
return self.description.replace("\n", " \n * ")
class PathObject(BaseModel):
route_object: RouteObject
http_verbs: list[HTTPRequest]
class Config:
arbitrary_types_allowed = True
def get_path_objects(app: FastAPI):
paths = []
for key, value in app.openapi().items():
if key == "paths":
for key, value in value.items():
http_verbs=[HTTPRequest(request_type=k, **v) for k, v in value.items()],
return paths
def dump_open_api(app: FastAPI):
"""Writes the Open API as JSON to a json file"""
OPEN_API_FILE = CWD / "openapi.json"
with open(OPEN_API_FILE, "w") as f:
def read_template(file: Path):
with open(file, "r") as f:
return f.read()
def generate_python_templates(static_paths: list[PathObject], function_paths: list[PathObject]):
PYTEST_TEMPLATE = TEMPLATES_DIR / "pytest_routes.j2"
PYTHON_OUT_FILE = OUT_DIR / "app_routes.py"
template = Template(read_template(PYTEST_TEMPLATE))
content = template.render(
"prefix": "/api",
"static_paths": static_paths,
"function_paths": function_paths,
with open(PYTHON_OUT_FILE, "w") as f:
def generate_js_templates(paths: list[PathObject]):
# Template Path
JS_API_INTERFACE = TEMPLATES_DIR / "js_api_interface.j2"
JS_INDEX = TEMPLATES_DIR / "js_index.j2"
INTERFACES_DIR = JS_DIR / "interfaces"
INTERFACES_DIR.mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True)
all_tags = []
for tag, tag_paths in groupby(paths, lambda x: x.http_verbs[0].tags[0]):
file_name = slugify(tag, separator="-")
tag = camelize(tag)
tag_paths: list[PathObject] = list(tag_paths)
template = Template(read_template(JS_API_INTERFACE))
content = template.render(
"prefix": "/api",
"static_paths": [x.route_object for x in tag_paths if not x.route_object.is_function],
"function_paths": [x.route_object for x in tag_paths if x.route_object.is_function],
"all_paths": tag_paths,
"export_name": tag,
tag: dict = {"camel": camelize(tag), "slug": file_name}
with open(INTERFACES_DIR.joinpath(file_name + ".ts"), "w") as f:
template = Template(read_template(JS_INDEX))
content = template.render(files={"files": all_tags})
with open(JS_DIR.joinpath("index.js"), "w") as f:
def generate_template(app):
paths = get_path_objects(app)
static_paths = [x.route_object for x in paths if not x.route_object.is_function]
function_paths = [x.route_object for x in paths if x.route_object.is_function]
static_paths.sort(key=lambda x: x.router_slug)
function_paths.sort(key=lambda x: x.router_slug)
generate_python_templates(static_paths, function_paths)
if __name__ == "__main__":