* generate types * use generated types * ui updates * init button link for common styles * add links * setup label views * add delete confirmation * reset when not saved * link label to foods and auto set when adding to shopping list * generate types * use inheritence to manage exception handling * fix schema generation and add test for open_api generation * add header to api docs * move list consilidation to service * split list and list items controller * shopping list/list item tests - PARTIAL * enable recipe add/remove in shopping lists * generate types * linting * init global utility components * update types and add list item api * fix import cycle and database error * add container and border classes * new recipe list component * fix tests * breakout item editor * refactor item editor * update bulk actions * update input / color contrast * type generation * refactor controller dependencies * include food/unit editor * remove console.logs * fix and update type generation * fix incorrect type for column * fix postgres error * fix delete by variable * auto remove refs * fix typo
57 lines
1.6 KiB
57 lines
1.6 KiB
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