489 lines
18 KiB
489 lines
18 KiB
"about": {
"about": "Om",
"about-mealie": "Om Mealie",
"api-docs": "API dokumentation",
"api-port": "API port",
"application-mode": "Application Mode",
"database-type": "Database-type",
"database-url": "Database-url",
"default-group": "Default Group",
"demo": "Demo",
"demo-status": "Demo status",
"development": "Udvikling",
"docs": "Dokumenter",
"download-log": "Download log",
"download-recipe-json": "Last Scraped JSON",
"github": "Github",
"log-lines": "Log Lines",
"not-demo": "Not Demo",
"portfolio": "Portfolio",
"production": "Produktion",
"support": "Support",
"version": "Version"
"asset": {
"assets": "Assets",
"code": "Code",
"file": "File",
"image": "Image",
"new-asset": "New Asset",
"pdf": "PDF",
"recipe": "Recipe",
"show-assets": "Show Assets"
"category": {
"category-created": "Category created",
"category-creation-failed": "Category creation failed",
"category-deleted": "Category Deleted",
"category-deletion-failed": "Category deletion failed",
"category-filter": "Category Filter",
"category-update-failed": "Category update failed",
"category-updated": "Category updated",
"uncategorized-count": "Uncategorized {count}"
"events": {
"apprise-url": "Apprise URL",
"database": "Database",
"delete-event": "Delete Event",
"new-notification-form-description": "Mealie uses the Apprise library to generate notifications. They offer many options for services to use for notifications. Refer to their wiki for a comprehensive guide on how to create the URL for your service. If available, selecting the type of your notification may include extra features.",
"new-version": "New version available!",
"notification": "Notification",
"refresh": "Refresh",
"scheduled": "Scheduled",
"something-went-wrong": "Something Went Wrong!",
"subscribed-events": "Subscribed Events",
"test-message-sent": "Test Message Sent"
"general": {
"cancel": "Annuller",
"clear": "Clear",
"close": "Luk",
"confirm": "Bekræft",
"confirm-delete-generic": "Are you sure you want to delete this?",
"copied": "Copied",
"create": "Opret",
"created": "Created",
"custom": "Custom",
"dashboard": "Dashboard",
"delete": "Slet",
"disabled": "Disabled",
"download": "Hent",
"edit": "Rediger",
"enabled": "Aktiveret",
"exception": "Exception",
"failed-count": "Failed: {count}",
"failure-uploading-file": "Failure uploading file",
"favorites": "Favorites",
"field-required": "Felt påkrævet",
"file-folder-not-found": "File/folder not found",
"file-uploaded": "File uploaded",
"filter": "Filtrer",
"friday": "Fredag",
"general": "General",
"get": "Get",
"home": "Home",
"image": "Image",
"image-upload-failed": "Image upload failed",
"import": "Importere",
"json": "JSON",
"keyword": "Keyword",
"link-copied": "Link Copied",
"loading-recipes": "Loading Recipes",
"monday": "Mandag",
"name": "Navn",
"new": "New",
"no": "Nej",
"no-recipe-found": "No Recipe Found",
"ok": "Ok",
"options": "Options:",
"print": "Print",
"random": "Tilfældig",
"rating": "Rating",
"recent": "Seneste",
"recipe": "Recipe",
"recipes": "Opskrifter",
"rename-object": "Rename {0}",
"reset": "Nulstil",
"saturday": "Lørdag",
"save": "Gem",
"settings": "Indstillinger",
"share": "Share",
"shuffle": "Shuffle",
"sort": "Sorter",
"sort-alphabetically": "Alphabetical",
"status": "Status",
"submit": "Indsend",
"success-count": "Success: {count}",
"sunday": "Søndag",
"templates": "Templates:",
"test": "Test",
"themes": "Temaer",
"thursday": "Torsdag",
"token": "Token",
"tuesday": "Tirsdag",
"type": "Type",
"update": "Opdater",
"updated": "Updated",
"upload": "Upload",
"url": "URL",
"view": "View",
"wednesday": "Onsdag",
"yes": "Ja"
"group": {
"are-you-sure-you-want-to-delete-the-group": "Are you sure you want to delete <b>{groupName}<b/>?",
"cannot-delete-default-group": "Cannot delete default group",
"cannot-delete-group-with-users": "Cannot delete group with users",
"confirm-group-deletion": "Confirm Group Deletion",
"create-group": "Create Group",
"error-updating-group": "Error updating group",
"group": "Group",
"group-deleted": "Group deleted",
"group-deletion-failed": "Group deletion failed",
"group-id-with-value": "Group ID: {groupID}",
"group-name": "Group Name",
"group-not-found": "Group not found",
"group-with-value": "Group: {groupID}",
"groups": "Groups",
"manage-groups": "Manage Groups",
"user-group": "User Group",
"user-group-created": "User Group Created",
"user-group-creation-failed": "User Group Creation Failed"
"meal-plan": {
"create-a-new-meal-plan": "Opret en ny måltidsplan",
"dinner-this-week": "Madplan denne uge",
"dinner-today": "Madplan i dag",
"dinner-tonight": "DINNER TONIGHT",
"edit-meal-plan": "Rediger måltidsplan",
"end-date": "Slutdato",
"group": "Group (Beta)",
"main": "Main",
"meal-planner": "Meal Planner",
"meal-plans": "Måltidsplaner",
"mealplan-categories": "MEALPLAN CATEGORIES",
"mealplan-created": "Mealplan created",
"mealplan-creation-failed": "Mealplan creation failed",
"mealplan-deleted": "Mealplan Deleted",
"mealplan-deletion-failed": "Mealplan deletion failed",
"mealplan-settings": "Mealplan Settings",
"mealplan-update-failed": "Mealplan update failed",
"mealplan-updated": "Mealplan Updated",
"no-meal-plan-defined-yet": "No meal plan defined yet",
"no-meal-planned-for-today": "No meal planned for today",
"only-recipes-with-these-categories-will-be-used-in-meal-plans": "Only recipes with these categories will be used in Meal Plans",
"planner": "Planlægger",
"quick-week": "Quick Week",
"side": "Side",
"sides": "Sides",
"start-date": "Start dato"
"migration": {
"chowdown": {
"description": "Migrate data from Chowdown",
"title": "Chowdown"
"migration-data-removed": "Migration data removed",
"nextcloud": {
"description": "Migrate data from a Nextcloud Cookbook instance",
"title": "Nextcloud Cookbook"
"no-migration-data-available": "No Migration Data Available",
"recipe-migration": "Migrering af opskrifter"
"new-recipe": {
"bulk-add": "Bulk Tilføj",
"error-details": "Only websites containing ld+json or microdata can be imported by Mealie. Most major recipe websites support this data structure. If your site cannot be imported but there is json data in the log, please submit a github issue with the URL and data.",
"error-title": "Looks Like We Couldn't Find Anything",
"from-url": "Fra URL",
"github-issues": "GitHub Issues",
"google-ld-json-info": "Google ld+json Info",
"must-be-a-valid-url": "Must be a Valid URL",
"paste-in-your-recipe-data-each-line-will-be-treated-as-an-item-in-a-list": "Indsæt dine opskriftsdata. \nHver linje behandles som et element på en liste",
"recipe-markup-specification": "Recipe Markup Specification",
"recipe-url": "URL på opskrift",
"upload-a-recipe": "Upload a Recipe",
"upload-individual-zip-file": "Upload an individual .zip file exported from another Mealie instance.",
"url-form-hint": "Kopiér og indsæt et link fra din foretrukne opskrifts hjemmeside",
"view-scraped-data": "View Scraped Data"
"page": {
"404-page-not-found": "404 Page not found",
"all-recipes": "Alle Opskrifter",
"new-page-created": "New page created",
"page": "Page",
"page-creation-failed": "Page creation failed",
"page-deleted": "Page deleted",
"page-deletion-failed": "Page deletion failed",
"page-update-failed": "Page update failed",
"page-updated": "Page updated",
"pages-update-failed": "Pages update failed",
"pages-updated": "Pages updated"
"recipe": {
"add-key": "Add Key",
"add-to-favorites": "Add to Favorites",
"api-extras": "API Extras",
"calories": "Calories",
"calories-suffix": "calories",
"carbohydrate-content": "Carbohydrate",
"categories": "Kategorier",
"comment-action": "Comment",
"comments": "Comments",
"delete-confirmation": "Are you sure you want to delete this recipe?",
"delete-recipe": "Delete Recipe",
"description": "Beskrivelse",
"disable-amount": "Disable Ingredient Amounts",
"disable-comments": "Disable Comments",
"fat-content": "Fat",
"fiber-content": "Fiber",
"grams": "grams",
"ingredient": "Ingrediens",
"ingredients": "Ingredienser",
"insert-section": "Insert Section",
"instructions": "Instruktioner",
"key-name-required": "Key Name Required",
"landscape-view-coming-soon": "Landscape View (Coming Soon)",
"milligrams": "milligrams",
"new-key-name": "New Key Name",
"no-white-space-allowed": "No White Space Allowed",
"note": "Bemærk",
"nutrition": "Nutrition",
"object-key": "Object Key",
"object-value": "Object Value",
"original-url": "Oprindelig opskrift",
"perform-time": "Cook Time",
"prep-time": "Prep Time",
"protein-content": "Protein",
"public-recipe": "Public Recipe",
"recipe-created": "Recipe created",
"recipe-creation-failed": "Recipe creation failed",
"recipe-deleted": "Recipe deleted",
"recipe-image": "Recipe Image",
"recipe-image-updated": "Recipe image updated",
"recipe-name": "Opskriftens navn",
"recipe-settings": "Recipe Settings",
"recipe-update-failed": "Recipe update failed",
"recipe-updated": "Recipe updated",
"remove-from-favorites": "Remove from Favorites",
"remove-section": "Remove Section",
"save-recipe-before-use": "Save recipe before use",
"section-title": "Section Title",
"servings": "Portioner",
"share-recipe-message": "I wanted to share my {0} recipe with you.",
"show-nutrition-values": "Show Nutrition Values",
"sodium-content": "Sodium",
"step-index": "Trin: {step}",
"sugar-content": "Sugar",
"title": "Title",
"total-time": "Total Time",
"unable-to-delete-recipe": "Unable to Delete Recipe"
"reicpe": {
"no-recipe": "No Recipe"
"search": {
"advanced-search": "Advanced Search",
"and": "and",
"exclude": "Exclude",
"include": "Include",
"max-results": "Max Results",
"or": "Or",
"results": "Results",
"search": "Search",
"search-mealie": "Search Mealie (press /)",
"search-placeholder": "Search...",
"tag-filter": "Tag Filter"
"settings": {
"add-a-new-theme": "Tilføj et nyt tema",
"admin-settings": "Admin Settings",
"backup": {
"backup-created-at-response-export_path": "Backup Created at {path}",
"backup-deleted": "Backup deleted",
"backup-tag": "Backup Tag",
"create-heading": "Create a Backup",
"delete-backup": "Delete Backup",
"error-creating-backup-see-log-file": "Error Creating Backup. See Log File",
"full-backup": "Full Backup",
"import-summary": "Import Summary",
"partial-backup": "Partial Backup",
"unable-to-delete-backup": "Unable to Delete Backup."
"backup-and-exports": "Backup og eksport",
"change-password": "Change Password",
"current": "Version:",
"custom-pages": "Custom Pages",
"edit-page": "Edit Page",
"events": "Events",
"first-day-of-week": "First day of the week",
"group-settings-updated": "Group Settings Updated",
"homepage": {
"all-categories": "All Categories",
"card-per-section": "Card Per Section",
"home-page": "Home Page",
"home-page-sections": "Home Page Sections",
"show-recent": "Show Recent"
"language": "Language",
"latest": "Seneste:",
"local-api": "Local API",
"locale-settings": "Locale settings",
"migrations": "Migrations",
"new-page": "New Page",
"notify": "Notify",
"organize": "Organize",
"page-name": "Page Name",
"pages": "Pages",
"profile": "Profile",
"remove-existing-entries-matching-imported-entries": "Remove existing entries matching imported entries",
"set-new-time": "Indstil ny tid",
"settings-update-failed": "Settings update failed",
"settings-updated": "Settings updated",
"site-settings": "Site Settings",
"theme": {
"accent": "Accent",
"dark": "Mørkt",
"default-to-system": "Default to system",
"error": "Fejl",
"error-creating-theme-see-log-file": "Error creating theme. See log file.",
"error-deleting-theme": "Error deleting theme",
"error-updating-theme": "Error updating theme",
"info": "Info",
"light": "Lyst",
"primary": "Primær",
"secondary": "Sekundær",
"success": "Succes",
"switch-to-dark-mode": "Switch to dark mode",
"switch-to-light-mode": "Switch to light mode",
"theme-deleted": "Theme deleted",
"theme-name": "Theme Name",
"theme-name-is-required": "Theme Name is required.",
"theme-saved": "Theme Saved",
"theme-updated": "Theme updated",
"warning": "Advarsel"
"token": {
"active-tokens": "ACTIVE TOKENS",
"api-token": "API Token",
"api-tokens": "API Tokens",
"copy-this-token-for-use-with-an-external-application-this-token-will-not-be-viewable-again": "Copy this token for use with an external application. This token will not be viewable again.",
"create-an-api-token": "Create an API Token",
"token-name": "Token Name"
"toolbox": {
"assign-all": "Assign All",
"bulk-assign": "Bulk Assign",
"new-name": "New Name",
"no-unused-items": "No Unused Items",
"recipes-affected": "No Recipes Affected|One Recipe Affected|{count} Recipes Affected",
"remove-unused": "Remove Unused",
"title-case-all": "Title Case All",
"toolbox": "Toolbox",
"unorganized": "Unorganized"
"webhooks": {
"test-webhooks": "Test Webhooks",
"the-urls-listed-below-will-recieve-webhooks-containing-the-recipe-data-for-the-meal-plan-on-its-scheduled-day-currently-webhooks-will-execute-at": "Webadresserne, der er anført nedenfor, modtager webhooks, der indeholder opskriftsdataene for måltidsplanen på den planlagte dag. \nWebhooks udføres i øjeblikket på <strong> {time} </strong>",
"webhook-url": "Webhook adresse",
"webhooks-caps": "WEBHOOKS"
"shopping-list": {
"all-lists": "All Lists",
"create-shopping-list": "Create Shopping List",
"from-recipe": "From Recipe",
"list-name": "List Name",
"new-list": "New List",
"quantity": "Quantity: {0}",
"shopping-list": "Shopping List",
"shopping-lists": "Shopping Lists"
"sidebar": {
"all-recipes": "All Recipes",
"categories": "Categories",
"dashboard": "Dashboard",
"home-page": "Home Page",
"manage-users": "Manage Users",
"migrations": "Migrations",
"profile": "Profile",
"search": "Search",
"site-settings": "Site Settings",
"tags": "Tags",
"toolbox": "Toolbox"
"signup": {
"error-signing-up": "Error Signing Up",
"sign-up": "Sign Up",
"sign-up-link-created": "Sign up link created",
"sign-up-link-creation-failed": "Sign up link creation failed",
"sign-up-links": "Sign Up Links",
"sign-up-token-deleted": "Sign Up Token Deleted",
"sign-up-token-deletion-failed": "Sign up token deletion failed",
"welcome-to-mealie": "Welcome to Mealie! To become a user of this instance you are required to have a valid invitation link. If you haven't recieved an invitation you are unable to sign-up. To recieve a link, contact the sites administrator."
"tag": {
"tag-created": "Tag created",
"tag-creation-failed": "Tag creation failed",
"tag-deleted": "Tag deleted",
"tag-deletion-failed": "Tag deletion failed",
"tag-update-failed": "Tag update failed",
"tag-updated": "Tag updated",
"tags": "Tags",
"untagged-count": "Untagged {count}"
"user": {
"admin": "Administrator",
"are-you-sure-you-want-to-delete-the-link": "Are you sure you want to delete the link <b>{link}<b/>?",
"are-you-sure-you-want-to-delete-the-user": "Er du sikker på, at du vil slette brugeren <b>{activeName} med ID: {activeId}<b/>?",
"confirm-link-deletion": "Confirm Link Deletion",
"confirm-password": "Confirm Password",
"confirm-user-deletion": "Bekræft Sletning Af Bruger",
"could-not-validate-credentials": "Could Not Validate Credentials",
"create-link": "Create Link",
"create-user": "Opret bruger",
"current-password": "Current Password",
"e-mail-must-be-valid": "E-mail must be valid",
"edit-user": "Rediger bruger",
"email": "E-mail",
"error-cannot-delete-super-user": "Error! Cannot Delete Super User",
"existing-password-does-not-match": "Existing password does not match",
"full-name": "Fulde navn",
"link-id": "Link ID",
"link-name": "Link Name",
"login": "Login",
"logout": "Log ud",
"manage-users": "Manage Users",
"new-password": "New Password",
"new-user": "Ny bruger",
"password": "Adgangskode",
"password-has-been-reset-to-the-default-password": "Password has been reset to the default password",
"password-must-match": "Password must match",
"password-reset-failed": "Password reset failed",
"password-updated": "Password updated",
"reset-password": "Reset Password",
"sign-in": "Log ind",
"total-mealplans": "Antal Madplaner",
"total-users": "Antal brugere",
"upload-photo": "Upload Photo",
"use-8-characters-or-more-for-your-password": "Use 8 characters or more for your password",
"user": "User",
"user-created": "User created",
"user-creation-failed": "User creation failed",
"user-deleted": "User deleted",
"user-id": "Bruger ID",
"user-id-with-value": "Bruger ID: {id}",
"user-password": "Adgangskode",
"user-successfully-logged-in": "User Successfully Logged In",
"user-update-failed": "User update failed",
"user-updated": "User updated",
"username": "Username",
"users": "Users",
"users-header": "USERS",
"webhook-time": "Webhook Tid",
"webhooks-enabled": "Webhooks Aktiveret",
"you-are-not-allowed-to-create-a-user": "You are not allowed to create a user",
"you-are-not-allowed-to-delete-this-user": "You are not allowed to delete this user"
} |