* add direction prop for icon position * add support for require_all properties on cookbook * update type annotations * add and - or filter support * update cookbook API * generate types * implement editor for additional options * update version number
133 lines
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133 lines
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<v-container class="narrow-container">
<BasePageTitle divider>
<template #header>
<v-img max-height="100" max-width="100" :src="require('~/static/svgs/manage-cookbooks.svg')"></v-img>
<template #title> Cookbooks </template>
Cookbooks are another way to organize recipes by creating cross sections of recipes and tags. Creating a cookbook
will add an entry to the side-bar and all the recipes with the tags and categories chosen will be displayed in the
<BaseButton create @click="actions.createOne()" />
<v-expansion-panels class="mt-2">
<draggable v-model="cookbooks" handle=".handle" style="width: 100%" @change="actions.updateOrder()">
<v-expansion-panel v-for="(cookbook, index) in cookbooks" :key="index" class="my-2 left-border rounded">
<v-expansion-panel-header disable-icon-rotate class="headline">
<div class="d-flex align-center">
<v-icon large left>
{{ $globals.icons.pages }}
{{ cookbook.name }}
<template #actions>
<v-icon class="handle">
{{ $globals.icons.arrowUpDown }}
<v-btn icon small class="ml-2">
{{ $globals.icons.edit }}
<v-card-text v-if="cookbooks">
<v-text-field v-model="cookbooks[index].name" label="Cookbook Name"></v-text-field>
<v-textarea v-model="cookbooks[index].description" auto-grow :rows="2" label="Description"></v-textarea>
:items="allCategories || []"
<RecipeOrganizerSelector v-model="cookbooks[index].tags" :items="allTags || []" selector-type="tag" />
<RecipeOrganizerSelector v-model="cookbooks[index].tools" :items="tools || []" selector-type="tool" />
<v-switch v-model="cookbooks[index].public" hide-details single-line>
<template #label>
Public Cookbook
<HelpIcon small right class="ml-2">
Public Cookbooks can be shared with non-mealie users and will be displayed on your groups page.
<div class="mt-4">
<h3 class="text-subtitle-1 d-flex align-center mb-0 pb-0">
Filter Options
<HelpIcon right small class="ml-2">
When require all is selected the cookbook will only include recipes that have all of the items
selected. This applies to each subset of selectors and not a cross section of the selected items.
<v-switch v-model="cookbooks[index].requireAllCategories" class="mt-0" hide-details single-line>
<template #label> Require All Categories </template>
<v-switch v-model="cookbooks[index].requireAllTags" hide-details single-line>
<template #label> Require All Tags </template>
<v-switch v-model="cookbooks[index].requireAllTools" hide-details single-line>
<template #label> Require All Tools </template>
icon: $globals.icons.delete,
text: $tc('general.delete'),
event: 'delete',
icon: $globals.icons.save,
text: $tc('general.save'),
event: 'save',
<script lang="ts">
import { defineComponent } from "@nuxtjs/composition-api";
import draggable from "vuedraggable";
import { useCookbooks } from "@/composables/use-group-cookbooks";
import RecipeOrganizerSelector from "~/components/Domain/Recipe/RecipeOrganizerSelector.vue";
import { useCategories, useTags, useTools } from "~/composables/recipes";
export default defineComponent({
components: { draggable, RecipeOrganizerSelector },
setup() {
const { cookbooks, actions } = useCookbooks();
const { tools } = useTools();
const { allCategories, useAsyncGetAll: getAllCategories } = useCategories();
const { allTags, useAsyncGetAll: getAllTags } = useTags();
return {
head() {
return {
title: this.$t("settings.pages") as string,