Miroito e743d2c66b
Reorganize Group/User Page Routes (#1084)
* Consolidate group routes

* Update doc migration link
2022-03-22 19:54:16 -08:00

85 lines
2.9 KiB

<v-container class="narrow-container">
<BasePageTitle divider>
<template #header>
<v-img max-height="125" max-width="125" :src="require('~/static/svgs/manage-webhooks.svg')"></v-img>
<template #title> Webhooks </template>
The webhooks defined below will be executed when a meal is defined for the day. At the scheduled time the webhooks
will be sent with the data from the recipe that is scheduled for the day
<BaseButton create @click="actions.createOne()" />
<v-expansion-panels class="mt-2">
<v-expansion-panel v-for="(webhook, index) in webhooks" :key="index" class="my-2 left-border rounded">
<v-expansion-panel-header disable-icon-rotate class="headline">
<div class="d-flex align-center">
<v-icon large left :color="webhook.enabled ? 'info' : null">
{{ $globals.icons.webhook }}
{{ }} - {{ webhook.time }}
<template #actions>
<v-btn small icon class="ml-2">
{{ $globals.icons.edit }}
<v-switch v-model="webhook.enabled" label="Enabled"></v-switch>
<v-text-field v-model="" label="Webhook Name"></v-text-field>
<v-text-field v-model="webhook.url" label="Webhook Url"></v-text-field>
<v-time-picker v-model="webhook.time" class="elevation-2" ampm-in-title format="ampm"></v-time-picker>
<v-card-actions class="py-0 justify-end">
icon: $globals.icons.delete,
text: $t('general.delete'),
event: 'delete',
icon: $globals.icons.testTube,
text: $t('general.test'),
event: 'test',
icon: $,
text: $t(''),
event: 'save',
<script lang="ts">
import { defineComponent } from "@nuxtjs/composition-api";
import { useGroupWebhooks } from "~/composables/use-group-webhooks";
export default defineComponent({
setup() {
const { actions, webhooks } = useGroupWebhooks();
return {
head() {
return {
title: this.$t("settings.webhooks.webhooks") as string,