Hayden 9f8c61a75a
fix(backend): 🐛 Fix recipe page issues (#778)
* fix(backend): 🐛 Fix favorite assignment on backend

* fix(frontend): 🐛 fix printer button on recipe page

* style(frontend): 🚸 add user feadback on copy of recipe link

* fix(frontend): 🐛 Fix enableLandscape incorrect bindings to remove duplicate values

* feat(frontend):  add ingredient copy button for markdown list -[ ] format

* feat(frontend):  add remove prefix button to bulk entry

* fix(frontend): 🐛 disable random button when no recipes are present

* fix(frontend):  fix .zip download error

* fix(frontend): 🚸 close image dialog on upload/get

* fix(frontend): 🐛 fix assignment on creation for categories and tags

* feat(frontend):  Open editor on creation / fix edit button on main screen

* fix(frontend): 🐛 fix false negative regex match for urls on creationg page

* feat(frontend): 🚸 provide better user feadback when recipe exists

* feat(frontend):  lock bulk importer on submit

* remove zip from navigation

* fix(frontend):  rerender recipes on delete

Co-authored-by: Hayden K <>
2021-11-04 18:15:23 -08:00

203 lines
5.9 KiB

<v-app dark>
<TheSnackbar />
:secondary-links="cookbookLinks || []"
:bottom-links="isAdmin ? bottomLink : []"
<v-menu offset-y nudge-bottom="5" close-delay="50" nudge-right="15">
<template #activator="{ on, attrs }">
<v-btn rounded large class="ml-2 mt-3" v-bind="attrs" v-on="on">
<v-icon left large color="primary">
{{ $globals.icons.createAlt }}
{{ $t("general.create") }}
<v-list dense class="my-0 py-0">
<template v-for="(item, index) in createLinks">
<v-divider v-if="item.divider" :key="index" class="mx-2"></v-divider>
<v-list-item v-else :key="item.title" :to="" exact>
<v-icon v-text="item.icon"></v-icon>
<v-list-item-title v-text="item.title"></v-list-item-title>
<v-list-item-subtitle v-text="item.subtitle"></v-list-item-subtitle>
<template #bottom>
<v-list-item @click="toggleDark">
{{ $vuetify.theme.dark ? $globals.icons.weatherSunny : $globals.icons.weatherNight }}
<v-list-item-title> {{ $vuetify.theme.dark ? "Light Mode" : "Dark Mode" }} </v-list-item-title>
<v-btn icon @click.stop="sidebar = !sidebar">
<v-icon> {{ $ }}</v-icon>
<Nuxt />
<script lang="ts">
import { computed, defineComponent, onMounted, ref, useContext } from "@nuxtjs/composition-api";
import AppHeader from "@/components/Layout/AppHeader.vue";
import AppSidebar from "@/components/Layout/AppSidebar.vue";
import TheSnackbar from "@/components/Layout/TheSnackbar.vue";
import { useCookbooks } from "~/composables/use-group-cookbooks";
export default defineComponent({
components: { AppHeader, AppSidebar, TheSnackbar },
// @ts-ignore
middleware: "auth",
setup() {
const { cookbooks } = useCookbooks();
// @ts-ignore
const { $globals, $auth, $vuetify } = useContext();
const isAdmin = computed(() => $auth.user?.admin);
function toggleDark() {
$vuetify.theme.dark = !$vuetify.theme.dark;
const sidebar = ref<Boolean | null>(null);
onMounted(() => {
sidebar.value = !$;
const cookbookLinks = computed(() => {
if (!cookbooks.value) return [];
return => {
return {
icon: $globals.icons.pages,
to: `/cookbooks/${cookbook.slug}`,
return { cookbookLinks, isAdmin, toggleDark, sidebar };
data() {
return {
createLinks: [
icon: this.$,
title: "Import",
subtitle: "Import a recipe by URL",
to: "/recipe/create?tab=url",
restricted: true,
{ divider: true },
icon: this.$globals.icons.edit,
title: "Create",
subtitle: "Create a recipe manually",
to: "/recipe/create?tab=new",
restricted: true,
{ divider: true },
icon: this.$globals.icons.pages,
title: "Cookbook",
subtitle: "Create a new cookbook",
to: "/user/group/cookbooks",
restricted: true,
{ divider: true },
icon: this.$globals.icons.cartCheck,
title: "Shopping List",
subtitle: "Create a new shopping list",
to: "/user/group/shopping-list/create",
restricted: true,
bottomLink: [
icon: this.$globals.icons.cog,
title: this.$t("general.settings"),
to: "/admin/dashboard",
restricted: true,
topLinks: [
icon: this.$globals.icons.calendar,
restricted: true,
title: this.$t("meal-plan.meal-planner"),
children: [
icon: this.$globals.icons.calendarMultiselect,
title: this.$t("meal-plan.planner"),
to: "/meal-plan/planner",
restricted: true,
icon: this.$globals.icons.calendarWeek,
title: this.$t("meal-plan.dinner-this-week"),
to: "/meal-plan/this-week",
restricted: true,
icon: this.$globals.icons.formatListCheck,
title: this.$t(""),
to: "/shopping-list",
restricted: true,
icon: this.$globals.icons.viewModule,
to: "/recipes/all",
title: this.$t("sidebar.all-recipes"),
icon: this.$,
to: "/search",
title: this.$t(""),
icon: this.$globals.icons.tags,
to: "/recipes/categories",
title: this.$t("sidebar.categories"),
icon: this.$globals.icons.tags,
to: "/recipes/tags",
title: this.$t("sidebar.tags"),
head: {
title: "Home",
<style scoped>